PowerBuilder’s Future: Fresh from the Labs
Not only will we will be presenting the enhancements to DataWindow® graphics, database drivers and .NET Target security in PowerBuilder 11.5...straight from the Sybase labs, we’ll reveal an early look at the new PowerBuilder 12 IDE (powered by the Visual Studio Isolated Shell), the WPF DataWindow, and how your PowerBuilder WPF runtime applications will look, feel and behave. Come see PowerBuilder being given the ultimate GUI open door.
Moving to PowerBuilder 11
Get hands-on experience with the latest UI changes, language features, .NET Web Services capabilities, database support additions and Application Server deployment options found in PowerBuilder 11.x. You will be exposed to the latest .NET capabilities of PowerBuilder, including the ability to deploy PowerBuilder applications as .NET Web Applications (ASP.Net 2.0), .NET Windows Form applications and Smart Client applications. You will also learn how to create .NET Assemblies from within PowerBuilder and use these Assemblies in a .NET (C#) application. Finally, you will learn how to access members of .NET assemblies (.NET framework classes or your own) from a PowerBuilder application.
Performance and Tuning for PowerBuilder:
Advanced Tips and Techniques
Learn how to improve your PowerBuilder application performance using proven techniques.This class will explore certain performance improvement techniques for developers writing or migrating to web-enabled applications. You will learn about file management, database technologies, scripting tips, and must-know internal mechanisms of PowerBuilder. Other topics include: Processing File References, Environment and Garbage Collection Functions, Scripting External Functions, Sending Objects the Message, Mail Enabling your Application, Creating Service Classes, Coding Object Instantiation, Improving Script Execution, Profiling your Application, Data Retrieval and Advanced Connectivity, Managing the Transaction, Advanced Embedded SQL and Update Stored Procedures, and much more.
pdf url: http://www.sybase.com/files/Product_Overviews/Sybase_TW08_PD_Guide.pdf
Friday, December 23, 2011
Building AJAX JSF Components
AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest. The XMLHttpRequest object is a de facto standard object provided by browser-based JavaScript implementations, and when used in an asynchronous fashion it allows the page author to communicate with the Web server in the background of the page, without giving the user any visual cue that this communication is occurring. The Web browser’s “spinner” does not spin, the hourglass mouse pointer does not appear, and the browser does not “block” in any way. Using the XMLHttpRequest in concert with standard JavaScript and DOM APIs allows the page author to dynamically update the page with arbitrary server-supplied data.
The first implementation of an API for background-based asynchronous communication with the server came from Microsoft in the form of their XMLHTTP ActiveX object. This API was later emulated in a compatible fashion by Netscape and other browsers, enabling users to write Web applications that use XMLHttpRequest and still run on a variety of browsers while minimizing the amount of browser-dependent code required. It has taken a long time to arrive at the point where most users can be assumed to have a browser capable of AJAX, but as of this writing it’s a safe bet.
Even though these technologies had been around for several years their widespread use in Web applications didn’t catch on until Google showed the world how powerful a first-class application of AJAX practices can be. The introduction in 2004 of Google’s e-mail service, which makes heavy use of XMLHttpRequest techniques, inspired a renaissance of interest in JavaScript that ultimately led to what people now call AJAX. Google’s map service also leverages AJAX techniques to good effect. As of this writing, the field of innovation is still wide open and the best practices have yet to fully emerge.
pdf url: http://media.techtarget.com/tss/static/articles/content/JSFReference/JSFReferenceCH11.pdf
The first implementation of an API for background-based asynchronous communication with the server came from Microsoft in the form of their XMLHTTP ActiveX object. This API was later emulated in a compatible fashion by Netscape and other browsers, enabling users to write Web applications that use XMLHttpRequest and still run on a variety of browsers while minimizing the amount of browser-dependent code required. It has taken a long time to arrive at the point where most users can be assumed to have a browser capable of AJAX, but as of this writing it’s a safe bet.
Even though these technologies had been around for several years their widespread use in Web applications didn’t catch on until Google showed the world how powerful a first-class application of AJAX practices can be. The introduction in 2004 of Google’s e-mail service, which makes heavy use of XMLHttpRequest techniques, inspired a renaissance of interest in JavaScript that ultimately led to what people now call AJAX. Google’s map service also leverages AJAX techniques to good effect. As of this writing, the field of innovation is still wide open and the best practices have yet to fully emerge.
pdf url: http://media.techtarget.com/tss/static/articles/content/JSFReference/JSFReferenceCH11.pdf
AJAX Application Design: Tips & Tricks
The AJAX developers need to keep in mind some crucial points when they are developing and designing applications. These facts are applicable from small to large applications. Personally I believe every AJAX developer should know all these facts for developing more robust and reliable applications. Okay, let us see them now.
The Back Button and Bookmarks are going to break down
The back button of the browser is dependent on the history object. Whenever you browse successive pages, these pages are loaded and browser’s history object saves data so that you can go back. But when you are using JavaScript to control the content and behavior of the page, the back button and bookmarks will not work any more.
So, you may develop and set your own JavaScript back button so that the user can navigate to a previous page.
There are ways to solve this problem although pretty complex.
Use Visual Cues
In most cases, AJAX applications work behind the scene. The application may take long time to load or to process lots of data. In such times, it is hard for the user to understand whether the connection with the server is dead or it is still loading and/or working. The user will feel comfortable if you can use a gif image to show that the application working and/or busy. It is common to use a rotating hourglass until data is fully loaded. You can make it appear until the data is loaded and disappear whenever all data are loaded.
document.getElementById(“loading”).style.visibility = “visible”;
document.getElementById(“loading”).style.visibility = “hidden”;
Instead of a rotating hourglass, you can also keep a blue line creeping from left to right slowly.
Let the User Control the Application
It is meaningless if the user types a wrong word and your application immediately stores it in the database. This may annoy the user easily since every user will want to correct it before it is saved in the database. It is a better way to give the user a way so that she herself can store the data when she is ready to do so. Let the user feel comfortable with your application and do not bug her with too much client server interactions.
Also remember to keep a way so that the users can undo errors they have done.
Test Your Application in Different Browsers
Even the most used two browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox do not handle the same coding in the same way. To make your coding cross browser supported, you need to be careful from very beginning. After you develop a part and test it using the commonly used browsers or by the browser the application will be used is a good practice. The more browsers support your application, the more robust and reliable you application is.
pdf url: http://tanzilo.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/microsoft-word-ajax.pdf
The Back Button and Bookmarks are going to break down
The back button of the browser is dependent on the history object. Whenever you browse successive pages, these pages are loaded and browser’s history object saves data so that you can go back. But when you are using JavaScript to control the content and behavior of the page, the back button and bookmarks will not work any more.
So, you may develop and set your own JavaScript back button so that the user can navigate to a previous page.
There are ways to solve this problem although pretty complex.
Use Visual Cues
In most cases, AJAX applications work behind the scene. The application may take long time to load or to process lots of data. In such times, it is hard for the user to understand whether the connection with the server is dead or it is still loading and/or working. The user will feel comfortable if you can use a gif image to show that the application working and/or busy. It is common to use a rotating hourglass until data is fully loaded. You can make it appear until the data is loaded and disappear whenever all data are loaded.
document.getElementById(“loading”).style.visibility = “visible”;
document.getElementById(“loading”).style.visibility = “hidden”;
Instead of a rotating hourglass, you can also keep a blue line creeping from left to right slowly.
Let the User Control the Application
It is meaningless if the user types a wrong word and your application immediately stores it in the database. This may annoy the user easily since every user will want to correct it before it is saved in the database. It is a better way to give the user a way so that she herself can store the data when she is ready to do so. Let the user feel comfortable with your application and do not bug her with too much client server interactions.
Also remember to keep a way so that the users can undo errors they have done.
Test Your Application in Different Browsers
Even the most used two browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox do not handle the same coding in the same way. To make your coding cross browser supported, you need to be careful from very beginning. After you develop a part and test it using the commonly used browsers or by the browser the application will be used is a good practice. The more browsers support your application, the more robust and reliable you application is.
pdf url: http://tanzilo.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/microsoft-word-ajax.pdf
Friday, October 21, 2011
AJAX Wake on LAN
implement power management to place computers in a suspend or reduced power state when not in use. Another factor is the need to provide a consistent and reliable means of data storage and access for whatever sort of research and learning that takes place on the campus. This means that the computers must be constantly up to date with security patches and clean of malicious software that can decrease the performance and even leak a valuable piece of research. Performing this requirement requires the computers to be on afterhours, when most computers are not in use. These two seemingly contradictory requirements present a massive challenge to the Information Technology department on the UCCS campus. In an effort to meet this challenge, a technology called Wake on LAN (WOL) was developed to wake computers connected to a network so they can be administered, even after they have been turned off by the normal user. To make WOL easier to use and manage, a web based interface utilizing asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) was developed. This emerging technology has transformed the internet from a quite static place to a much more dynamic and rich environment. AJAX Overview The beginnings of what it...
Website: cs.uccs.edu | Filesize: 204kb
No of Page(s): 7
download: http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs301/studentproj/projF2006/mkopps/doc/AJAX_Wake_on_LAN.pdf
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Ajax Tutorial
including in-house (vertical market) and retail software, some of which is on the shelves at your local software store. We focus our unique combination of creative, technical, and problem-solving skills on meeting our client's objectives. Because of our clarity of purpose, commitment to process, and broad professional skill sets, we are able to provide our clients with world- class solutions that are functionally superior and fully aligned with our client's strategic focus. Balancing development speed, quality and cost is what we are all about. Tometa combines agile development practices with fixed pricing, so you know what the cost, end product, and delivery time table look like–up front. If we underestimate the effort, we complete the overrun on our dime. Simple as that. That’s why large enterprise firms like Alcoa and NASDAQ choose Tometa. Tometa’s agile development expertise and low-overhead US location keep our prices comparable to offshore vendors – without offshore challenges. Using a fixed pricing model, we provide upfront visibility into a project’s ultimate costs, end product and delivery schedule. Our clients like knowing that we have “skin in the game” – a fixed price that aligns our goals with yours, incenting us to get the job done right...
Website: www.tometasoftware.com | Filesize: 105kb
No of Page(s): 14
download: http://www.tometasoftware.com/files/Ajax-Tutorial.pdf
Database Programming MySQL and Perl DBI Program Clients
PrintError => 0 } ); 2 Naming Conventions DBI Handle Variable Names Name Meaning $dbh A handle to a database object $sth A handle to a statement (query) object $fh A handle to an open file $h A generic handle - depends on context DBI Non-Handle Variable Names Name Meaning $rc Return code from true/false operations $rv Return code from “int” operations $rows Return code from ops than return row count @ary Array (list) returned from a query Some DBI member functions ->connect() connect to a database ->prepare() setup a query ->execute() perform a query that returns a result set ->do() perform a query that returns row count ->finish() complete a partial query ->disconnect() disconnect from the database 3 Simple Example: dump_atom.pl
Website: miner.chem.purdue.edu | Filesize: 160kb
No of Page(s): 15
download: 'http://miner.chem.purdue.edu/Lectures/Lecture24.pdf
Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL
Heather Talbot Marketing Manager: Mark Hughes Acquisitions Editor: Mitzi Koontz Project/Copy Editor: Kezia Endsley Technical Reviewer: Matt Telles PTR Editorial Services Coordinator: Erin Johnson Interior Layout Tech: ICC Macmillan Inc. Cover Designer: Mike Tanamachi Indexer: Sharon Shock Proofreader: Andy Saff © 2008 Course Technology, a part of Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support,1-800-354-9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at cengage.com/permissions Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequest@cengage.com Library of Congress Control Number: 2008921609 ISBN-13: 978-1-59863-481-5 ISBN-10: 1-59863-481-X Course Technology 25 Thomson Place Boston, MA 02210 USA Cengage Learning is a leading provider of customized learning solutions with office locations around the globe, including Singapore, the...
Website: my.ss.sysu.edu.cn | Filesize: 5311kb
No of Page(s): 449
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Introduction to Java Programming By Y. Daniel Liang
companies are using it to support their websites, data warehouses, and business applications. MySQL was developed by a Swedish company named MySQL AB. The product is distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL). It can support multiple users concurrently on the network. Students can connect to a MySQL database server standalone on their own computer or from the network. You can download it free from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.1.html. MySQL runs on Windows, Linux and Solaris. This tutorial demonstrates using MySQL from the Windows operating system. 1 Starting and Stopping MySQL Server If your database server is not started, you can start it by typing “net start mysql” from the MySQL bin directory as shown in Figure 1.1. You can stop it by typing the command net stop mysql. Start MySQL Stop MySQL Figure 1.1 © Copyright Y. Daniel Liang, 2005 8 You need to start MySQL only once after the installation. NOTE
Website: cs.armstrong.edu | Filesize: 129kb
No of Page(s): 7
download: http://cs.armstrong.edu/liang/intro6e/supplement/Supplement4bMySQL.pdf
Introduction to Database Programming using PHP and MySQL
and application server. A solution stack is a full set of software components bundled together to provide a specific solution. Basically, the exact combination of software included in LAMP can be modified, depending on the need of the developer. For example, PHP can be replaced with Python, Perl, or other scripting language. In MS Windows, the package is called WAMP. In Mac OS, it is called MAMP. In Solaris, it is called SAMP. In OpenBSD it is called OpAMP, etc. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. PHP is both a general-purpose programming language and a scripting language. PHP can be used to develop general-purpose applications (with and without graphical interface) as well as dynamic web pages or web applications. PHP is an interpreted language. Currently, PHP is maintained by The PHP Group. PHP is free and open source. MySQL Community Server is a free and open source RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) that runs as a server to provide a multi-user database system. The original MySQL was developed by Michael Widenius. Currently, MySQL is owned and sponsored by Sun Microsystems, a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation. MySQL has been used in large-scale products, such as Wikipedia, Google,...
Website: anemonesoft.com | Filesize: 147kb
No of Page(s): 13
download: http://anemonesoft.com/files/tutorial/idpm-handout-en.pdf
MySQL Tutorial - University of Ibadan
MySQL is classified as a relational database management system (RDBMS). That phrase breaks down as follows: • The database (the "DB" in RDBMS) is the repository for the information you want to store, structured in a simple, regular fashion: o The collection of data in a database is organized into tables. o Each table is organized into rows and columns. o Each row in a table is a record. o Records can contain several pieces of information; each column in a table corresponds to one of those pieces. • The management system (the "MS") is the software that lets you use your data by allowing you to insert, retrieve, modify, or delete records. • The word "relational" (the "R") indicates a particular kind of DBMS, one that is very good at relating (that is, matching up) information stored in one table to information stored in another by looking for elements common to each of them. The power of a relational DBMS lies in its capability to pull data from those tables conveniently and to join information from related tables to produce answers to questions that can't be answered from individual tables alone. Here's an example that shows how a relational...
Website: ui-n2.loria.fr | Filesize: 453kb
No of Page(s): 58
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
PHP/MySQL Tutorial by Graeme Merrall
Website: www.robertobandini.it | Filesize: 175kb
No of Page(s): 9
Database Programming (JDBC) Slide Tutorial
Website: lsirwww.epfl.ch | Filesize: 387kb
No of Page(s): 15
Download: http://lsirwww.epfl.ch/courses/iis/2009ss/slides/slides-5-JDBC.pdf
Developing Database Applications Using MySQL Connector/C++
Application developers who are new to MySQL Connector/C++ but not to C++ programming and MySQL database, are the target audience of this tutorial. Listed below are the tools and technologies used to compile, build and run the examples in this tutorial. Database MySQL Server 5.1.24-rc C++ Driver MySQL Connector/C++ 1.0.5 MySQL Client Library MySQL Connector/C 6.0 Compiler Sun Studio 12 C++ compiler Make CMake 2.6.3 Operating System OpenSolaris 2008.11 32-bit CPU / ISA Intel Centrino / x86 Hardware Toshiba Tecra M2 Laptop Contents • MySQL C++ Driver Based on JDBC 4.0 Specification • Installing MySQL Connector/C++ • Runtime Dependencies • IDE for Developing C++ Applications • Create the City Table in the test Database for Code Examples • Testing the MySQL Database Connectivity With the Connector/C++ • Using Prepared Statements • Using Transactions • Accessing Result Set Metadata • Accessing Database Metadata • Accessing Parameter Metadata from a PreparedStatement Object • Catching Exceptions • Debug Tracing with MySQL Connector/C++ • For More Information • About the author • Appendix I: Installing MySQL Connector/C++ from Source Copyright © 2009 MySQL • Reprint by permission only 2 MySQL C++ Driver Based on JDBC 4.0 Specification MySQL Connector/C++ is one of the latest...
Website: docs.huihoo.com | Filesize: 320kb
No of Page(s): 36
Download: http://docs.huihoo.com/mysql/mysql-apps-using-connector-and-cpp.pdf
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Linux to Solaris Administrators Guide
The aim of the Linux to Solaris Administrator Guide is to give Linux administrators the information and guidance they'll need to make a successful transition to using Solaris 10. The Linux to Solaris Administrators Guide is not intended for a first time system administrator. The guide assumes a certain amount of background administering a Linux system.
While similar in many respects there are still quite a few differences between a Linux and Solaris machine including commands, file systems and heritage.
These differences can be as simple as a renamed configuration file to the more complicated alternate meanings for command line arguments.
This chapter presents an overview of some of the differences between Linux and Solaris.
Topics Covered: Architectural Similarities and Differences, File System Organization, Locations of Common used Commands, Location of Configuration Files, Location of Log Files, Script Migration, Architectural Similarities and Di?erences
While similar in many respects there are fundamental differences between the Solaris and Linux operating environments.
Throughout the development of Solaris the focus has been on compatibility. Compatibility with previous releases (binaries compiled on Solaris 8 will run on Solaris 10) and compatibility with de jure standards such as POSIX. Linux has had the freedom to establish new de facto standards (such as extended command line syntax, with a strong consistency among commands). However, judicious use of the included GNU utilities, the proper command line settings, downloads of additional utilities, and some acquired knowledge such as this guide and sites such as the Rosetta Stone1 will mitigate most differences.
Many of the system similarities can be attributed to the implementation of different system standards. These standards make it a lot easier to move applications between Operating Systems. Solaris conforms to the POSIX, SVID and XPG standards.
Although many commands may have the same name, the implementation and command line options may have changed. The man pages should be consulted to verify the functionality of commands.
download: http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/sysadmin_guide.pdf
While similar in many respects there are still quite a few differences between a Linux and Solaris machine including commands, file systems and heritage.
These differences can be as simple as a renamed configuration file to the more complicated alternate meanings for command line arguments.
This chapter presents an overview of some of the differences between Linux and Solaris.
Topics Covered: Architectural Similarities and Differences, File System Organization, Locations of Common used Commands, Location of Configuration Files, Location of Log Files, Script Migration, Architectural Similarities and Di?erences
While similar in many respects there are fundamental differences between the Solaris and Linux operating environments.
Throughout the development of Solaris the focus has been on compatibility. Compatibility with previous releases (binaries compiled on Solaris 8 will run on Solaris 10) and compatibility with de jure standards such as POSIX. Linux has had the freedom to establish new de facto standards (such as extended command line syntax, with a strong consistency among commands). However, judicious use of the included GNU utilities, the proper command line settings, downloads of additional utilities, and some acquired knowledge such as this guide and sites such as the Rosetta Stone1 will mitigate most differences.
Many of the system similarities can be attributed to the implementation of different system standards. These standards make it a lot easier to move applications between Operating Systems. Solaris conforms to the POSIX, SVID and XPG standards.
Although many commands may have the same name, the implementation and command line options may have changed. The man pages should be consulted to verify the functionality of commands.
download: http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/sysadmin_guide.pdf
The Linux System Administrator's Guide
The Linux System Administrator's Guide, describes the system administration aspects of using Linux. It is intended for people who know next to nothing about system administration (those saying "what is it?''), but who have already mastered at least the basics of normal usage. This manual doesn't tell you how to install Linux; that is described in the Installation and Getting Started document. See below for more information about Linux manuals.
System administration covers all the things that you have to do to keep a computer system in usable order. It includes things like backing up files (and restoring them if necessary), installing new programs, creating accounts for users (and deleting them when no longer needed), making certain that the filesystem is not corrupted, and so on. If a computer were, say, a house, system administration would be called maintenance, and would include cleaning, fixing broken windows, and other such things.
The structure of this manual is such that many of the chapters should be usable independently, so if you need information about backups, for example, you can read just that chapter. However, this manual is first and foremost a tutorial and can be read sequentially or as a whole.
This manual is not intended to be used completely independently. Plenty of the rest of the Linux documentation is also important for system administrators. After all, a system administrator is just a user with special privileges and duties. Very useful resources are the manual pages, which should always be consulted when you are not familiar with a command. If you do not know which command you need, then the apropos command can be used. Consult its manual page for more details.
While this manual is targeted at Linux, a general principle has been that it should be useful with other UNIX based operating systems as well. Unfortunately, since there is so much variance between different versions of UNIX in general, and in system administration in particular, there is little hope to cover all variants. Even covering all possibilities for Linux is difficult, due to the nature of its development.
There is no one official Linux distribution, so different people have different setups and many people have a setup they have built up themselves. This book is not targeted at any one distribution. Distributions can and do vary considerably. When possible, differences have been noted and alternatives given. For a list of distributions and some of their differences see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions.
In trying to describe how things work, rather than just listing ``five easy steps'' for each task, there is much information here that is not necessary for everyone, but those parts are marked as such and can be skipped if you use a preconfigured system. Reading everything will, naturally, increase your understanding of the system and should make using and administering it more productive.
download: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/LDP/system-admin-guide/sag.pdf
System administration covers all the things that you have to do to keep a computer system in usable order. It includes things like backing up files (and restoring them if necessary), installing new programs, creating accounts for users (and deleting them when no longer needed), making certain that the filesystem is not corrupted, and so on. If a computer were, say, a house, system administration would be called maintenance, and would include cleaning, fixing broken windows, and other such things.
The structure of this manual is such that many of the chapters should be usable independently, so if you need information about backups, for example, you can read just that chapter. However, this manual is first and foremost a tutorial and can be read sequentially or as a whole.
This manual is not intended to be used completely independently. Plenty of the rest of the Linux documentation is also important for system administrators. After all, a system administrator is just a user with special privileges and duties. Very useful resources are the manual pages, which should always be consulted when you are not familiar with a command. If you do not know which command you need, then the apropos command can be used. Consult its manual page for more details.
While this manual is targeted at Linux, a general principle has been that it should be useful with other UNIX based operating systems as well. Unfortunately, since there is so much variance between different versions of UNIX in general, and in system administration in particular, there is little hope to cover all variants. Even covering all possibilities for Linux is difficult, due to the nature of its development.
There is no one official Linux distribution, so different people have different setups and many people have a setup they have built up themselves. This book is not targeted at any one distribution. Distributions can and do vary considerably. When possible, differences have been noted and alternatives given. For a list of distributions and some of their differences see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions.
In trying to describe how things work, rather than just listing ``five easy steps'' for each task, there is much information here that is not necessary for everyone, but those parts are marked as such and can be skipped if you use a preconfigured system. Reading everything will, naturally, increase your understanding of the system and should make using and administering it more productive.
download: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/LDP/system-admin-guide/sag.pdf
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Ubuntu Tips & Tricks
When you install a dual-boot of Ubuntu, one of the frustrating things that you'll immediately notice is that Ubuntu is now set as the default operating system in the Grub loader. There's an easy way to switch back to using Windows as the default.
To make this change, you'll first have to boot into Ubuntu, and then run the following command:
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
Find this section of the file:
## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not change this entry to 'saved' or your
# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default 0
The important line is the last one. You will need to change that number 0 to match the Windows boot section. Typically it's always going to be 4 on a default dual-boot configuration. Change this value to 4, and then save and reboot your machine. You should go into Windows instead of Ubuntu automatically.
Note: The blocks at the bottom of the file match the items in the menu. You can change this value to match whichever item you want as default, just remember that numbering starts at 0.
To make this change, you'll first have to boot into Ubuntu, and then run the following command:
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
Find this section of the file:
## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and
# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.
# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry
# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.
# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not change this entry to 'saved' or your
# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.
default 0
The important line is the last one. You will need to change that number 0 to match the Windows boot section. Typically it's always going to be 4 on a default dual-boot configuration. Change this value to 4, and then save and reboot your machine. You should go into Windows instead of Ubuntu automatically.
Note: The blocks at the bottom of the file match the items in the menu. You can change this value to match whichever item you want as default, just remember that numbering starts at 0.
Getting Start with Crossloop
This guide is intended to assist you with downloading, installing, and running the CrossLoop Software Application.
CrossLoop is a free secure screen sharing utility designed for people of all technical skill levels.
CrossLoop enables non-technical users to get connected from anywhere on the Internet in seconds without changing any firewall or router settings.
With CrossLoop, people can help their contacts remotely as if they were working side by side. Popular uses for CrossLoop range from technical assistance to trouble- shooting to software and application training, such as how to set up a blog or create videos online.
Most installation problems have to do with the Windows operating system or security software being aggressively vigilant and blocking the installation process.
In these cases you should select whichever option removes the blocking action (typically, a button called “Ignore”, “Continue”, “Yes”, “Grant”, “Run”, or “Allow”.)
CrossLoop is a free secure screen sharing utility designed for people of all technical skill levels.
CrossLoop enables non-technical users to get connected from anywhere on the Internet in seconds without changing any firewall or router settings.
With CrossLoop, people can help their contacts remotely as if they were working side by side. Popular uses for CrossLoop range from technical assistance to trouble- shooting to software and application training, such as how to set up a blog or create videos online.
Most installation problems have to do with the Windows operating system or security software being aggressively vigilant and blocking the installation process.
In these cases you should select whichever option removes the blocking action (typically, a button called “Ignore”, “Continue”, “Yes”, “Grant”, “Run”, or “Allow”.)
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