Ajax-style Client/Server Programming with F# Tomáš Petříček & Don Syme Why are Web Applications Hard? Limited client-side environment - Only JavaScript (no client-side installation allowed!!!) Discontinuity between client and server side, Two parts of the same application! Components in web frameworks are only server-side No standard way for expressing client-side interactions Ajax-style Web Control Flow HTTP protocol is based on request-response principle Ajax-style Web Control Flow HTTP protocol is based on request-response principle
Ajax-style applications update the page dynamically using asynchronous requests What’s going on? Program is “authored” on the server-side But runs primarily on the client-side. No state on the server (except during callbacks) Program is “authored” in server-side language (e.g. Visual Basic or PHP). But the main point of this program is to generate a client-side program in JS Executing some (most) code as JavaScript is unavoidable Summary 1. Client asks server for page 2. Server gives back JavaScript 3. Client runs JavaScript 4. Client calls back server asynchronously 5. Server talks to database during callbacks 6. Server responds with updated DOM/JavaScript for client Project Aims 1) Single programming language - F# 2) Type-checked client & server code 3) Modality-checked client & server code 4) Be Realistic Integrate with ASP.NET (or Apache …) No client-side installation required Look forward (SilverLight, …) Related Work Volta (Erik Meijer et. al., Microsoft) Client side in .NET languages (by translating IL to JavaScript) Links Language (Philip Wadler et. al., University of Edinburgh) Single language for all three tires (client/server/database) Google Web Toolkit Client side in Java (by translating...
Website: tomasp.net | Filesize: 511kb
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Functional "AJAX" in Secure Synchronous Programming
Functional AJAX in Secure Synchronous Programming Ramesh Bharadwaj Center for High Assurance Computer Systems Naval Research Laboratory 4555 Overlook Avenue Washington, District of Columbia 20375›5337 ramesh@itd.nrl.navy.mil Supratik Mukhopadhyay Department of Computer Science West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia 26506›6109 supratik@csee.wvu.edu ABSTRACT AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) is a combination of technologies aimed at supporting an improved user/application interactivity in the context of web-based service-oriented computing. Based on the XMLHttpRequest API, AJAX provides an engine for handling service invocations asynchronously
while interacting with other applications/users in the foreground. The AJAX combination of technologies have already been deployed in popular applications like Google Maps. The adherence to XML-based format for data exchange makes this combination of technologies and similar other frameworks suitable for deployment in service-oriented architectures based on lightweight services (REST or Web) augmenting existing architectures with increased capabilities of interaction. While AJAX promises improved interaction capabilities, it is also accompanied by its baggage of problems. The lack of formal semantics makes it difficult to understand and validate the function- alities that an application is supposed to provide. The support for individual component technologies of AJAX (e.g., XMLHttpRe- quest, Javascript etc.) are different for different infrastructures (and browsers). The adoption of Javascript (an interpreted scripting language) makes it inefficient for running heavyweight processes. Be- sides, the source code must be downloaded by the client for execution which raises concerns in security and intellectual property issues. These problems render the existing AJAX framework unsuitable for deployment in mission-critical enterprise applications. In this paper, we present an AJAX -like framework in an event- driven secure synchronous programming environment. More precisely, we present a synchronous programming...
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while interacting with other applications/users in the foreground. The AJAX combination of technologies have already been deployed in popular applications like Google Maps. The adherence to XML-based format for data exchange makes this combination of technologies and similar other frameworks suitable for deployment in service-oriented architectures based on lightweight services (REST or Web) augmenting existing architectures with increased capabilities of interaction. While AJAX promises improved interaction capabilities, it is also accompanied by its baggage of problems. The lack of formal semantics makes it difficult to understand and validate the function- alities that an application is supposed to provide. The support for individual component technologies of AJAX (e.g., XMLHttpRe- quest, Javascript etc.) are different for different infrastructures (and browsers). The adoption of Javascript (an interpreted scripting language) makes it inefficient for running heavyweight processes. Be- sides, the source code must be downloaded by the client for execution which raises concerns in security and intellectual property issues. These problems render the existing AJAX framework unsuitable for deployment in mission-critical enterprise applications. In this paper, we present an AJAX -like framework in an event- driven secure synchronous programming environment. More precisely, we present a synchronous programming...
Website: www.csee.wvu.edu | Filesize: 231kb
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Web 2.0 Programming using AJAX & Blueprints
1 Web 2.0 Programming using AJAX & Blueprints Sang Shin sang.shin@sun.com www.javapassion.com Technology Evangelist Sun Microsystems, Inc. 2 Agenda • What is Web 2.0? • What is Rich User Experience? • Rich Internet Application (RIA) Technologies • AJAX: Real-life examples • What is and Why AJAX? • Technologies used in AJAX • AJAX usage cases • Anatomy of AJAX interaction • Toolkits What is Web 2.0? 4 Web 2.0 Principles • Web as a Platform • Collection Intelligence > Folksonomy
– Collaborative Categorization • Data is key and should be shared > Mashups 5 Web 2.0 Principles • Software is in constantly evolving > Software release cycles dead? • Lightweight Programming Models > SOAP/REST • Rich User Experience > AJAX 6 Web 1.0 • Personal Websites • Email/News Groups • Popups • Web Directories • Web Classifieds • Terraserver • mp3 • Blogging - Roller • RSS – Syndication • Google Ads • Delici.io.us • HousingMaps.com • Google Maps • iTunes Web 2.0 • Wikis • Discussion Forums • Popunders • Yahoo • Cragislist • MapQuest • Napster Web 1.5 7 What Makes the Web 2.0 Different? • Personalized • User oriented • Easy to Use • Get you to the information you want • Useful 8 Mashups? Rich User Experience for Web Application 10 Rich User Experience • Take a look at a typical desktop application (Spreadsheet) • The program responses intuitively and quickly • The program gives a user meaningful feedbacks instantly > The cursor changed shape > Icons light up as mouse hovers them > Selected text changes color • Things happen naturally > I don't have to click a button or a link 11 Characteristics of...
Website: library.igcar.gov.in | Filesize: 533kb
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– Collaborative Categorization • Data is key and should be shared > Mashups 5 Web 2.0 Principles • Software is in constantly evolving > Software release cycles dead? • Lightweight Programming Models > SOAP/REST • Rich User Experience > AJAX 6 Web 1.0 • Personal Websites • Email/News Groups • Popups • Web Directories • Web Classifieds • Terraserver • mp3 • Blogging - Roller • RSS – Syndication • Google Ads • Delici.io.us • HousingMaps.com • Google Maps • iTunes Web 2.0 • Wikis • Discussion Forums • Popunders • Yahoo • Cragislist • MapQuest • Napster Web 1.5 7 What Makes the Web 2.0 Different? • Personalized • User oriented • Easy to Use • Get you to the information you want • Useful 8 Mashups? Rich User Experience for Web Application 10 Rich User Experience • Take a look at a typical desktop application (Spreadsheet) • The program responses intuitively and quickly • The program gives a user meaningful feedbacks instantly > The cursor changed shape > Icons light up as mouse hovers them > Selected text changes color • Things happen naturally > I don't have to click a button or a link 11 Characteristics of...
Website: library.igcar.gov.in | Filesize: 533kb
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Flapjax: A Programming Language for Ajax Applications
Flapjax: A Programming Language for Ajax Applications Leo A. Meyerovich University of California, Berkeley lmeyerov@eecs.berkeley.edu Arjun Guha Brown University arjun@cs.brown.edu Jacob Baskin Google jacob.baskin@gmail.com Gregory H. Cooper Google ghcooper@gmail.com Michael Greenberg University of Pennsylvania mgree@seas.upenn.edu Aleks Bromfield Microsoft albromfi@microsoft.com Shriram Krishnamurthi Brown University sk@cs.brown.edu Abstract This paper presents Flapjax, a language designed for contemporary Web applications. These applications communicate with servers and have rich, interactive interfaces. Flapjax provides two key features that simplify writing these applications.First,it provides event streams,auniformabstrac-
tion for communication within a programs well as with external Web services. Second, the language itself is reactive: it automatically tracks data dependencies and propagates updates along those dataflows. This allows developers to write reactive interfaces in a declarative and compositional style. Flapjax is built on top of JavaScript.It runs on unmodified browsers and readily interoperates with existing JavaScript code. It is usable as either a programming language (that is compiled to JavaScript) or as a JavaScript library, and is designed for both uses. This paper presents the language, its design decisions, and illustrative examples drawn from several working Flapjax applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.2 [Programming Languages]:Language Classifications Data-flow languages General Terms Languages, Design Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. OOPSLA’09, October 25–29, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. Copyright c©2009 ACM 978-1-60558-734-9/09/10...$10.00 Keywords JavaScript, Web Programming, Functional Re- active Programming 1. Introduction The advent of broadband has changed the structure of application software....
Website: www.eecs.berkeley.edu | Filesize: 572kb
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tion for communication within a programs well as with external Web services. Second, the language itself is reactive: it automatically tracks data dependencies and propagates updates along those dataflows. This allows developers to write reactive interfaces in a declarative and compositional style. Flapjax is built on top of JavaScript.It runs on unmodified browsers and readily interoperates with existing JavaScript code. It is usable as either a programming language (that is compiled to JavaScript) or as a JavaScript library, and is designed for both uses. This paper presents the language, its design decisions, and illustrative examples drawn from several working Flapjax applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.3.2 [Programming Languages]:Language Classifications Data-flow languages General Terms Languages, Design Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. OOPSLA’09, October 25–29, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. Copyright c©2009 ACM 978-1-60558-734-9/09/10...$10.00 Keywords JavaScript, Web Programming, Functional Re- active Programming 1. Introduction The advent of broadband has changed the structure of application software....
Website: www.eecs.berkeley.edu | Filesize: 572kb
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Saturday, March 24, 2012
Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming
Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming A practical guide to Google Web Toolkit for creating AJAX applications with Java Prabhakar Chaganti Chapter 2 "Creating a New GWT Application" For More Information: http://www.packtpub.com/google-web-toolkit-GWT-Java-AJAX/book In this package, you will find: A Biography of the authors of the book A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 2 “Creating a New GWT Application” A synopsis of the book’s content Information on where to buy this book About the Author Prabhakar Chaganti Prabhakar Chaganti
is an enterprise software architect and open-source evangelist working for a cutting-edge software company in the suburbs of Atlanta. His interests include Linux, Ruby, Python, Java, and Virtualization. He recently won the community choice award for the most innovative virtual appliance in the 2006 VMW—this award is the Ultimate Global Virtual Appliance Challenge. This book has gained immense support from various people. The staff at Packt Publishing were very helpful in providing key assistance to me and ably and enthusiastically led me through the various phases of this project. I would like to thank the technical reviewers for their comments, which have helped make this a much better book. The vibrant community around the GWT mailing list was very helpful whenever I needed clarifications on some of the more arcane corners of GWT. I would like to thank my wife Nitika for her support and constant encouragement while I was writing this book. She effortlessly played the roles of both mom and dad while I was wrestling with GWT! Thanks and love to my two daughters Anika and Anya for putting up with daddy being stuck to his laptop for long periods of time instead of playing with them. For...
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is an enterprise software architect and open-source evangelist working for a cutting-edge software company in the suburbs of Atlanta. His interests include Linux, Ruby, Python, Java, and Virtualization. He recently won the community choice award for the most innovative virtual appliance in the 2006 VMW—this award is the Ultimate Global Virtual Appliance Challenge. This book has gained immense support from various people. The staff at Packt Publishing were very helpful in providing key assistance to me and ably and enthusiastically led me through the various phases of this project. I would like to thank the technical reviewers for their comments, which have helped make this a much better book. The vibrant community around the GWT mailing list was very helpful whenever I needed clarifications on some of the more arcane corners of GWT. I would like to thank my wife Nitika for her support and constant encouragement while I was writing this book. She effortlessly played the roles of both mom and dad while I was wrestling with GWT! Thanks and love to my two daughters Anika and Anya for putting up with daddy being stuck to his laptop for long periods of time instead of playing with them. For...
Website: www.packtpub.com | Filesize: 505kb
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Ajax Programming
Ajax Programming Ray Toal Loyola Marymount University 2006-06-07 Outline ● What Ajax is ● A few demos ● First steps programming an Ajax application ● Real programming: JavaScript doesn't suck ● Design patterns and libraries ● Where to learn more What this talk is about ● What Ajax is, or means, for those who don't know (Hands, please? Anyone?) ● Why Ajax matters ● Serious programming in JavaScript ● Distributed programming (remoting) in general, because there are alternatives to Ajax
What this talk is not about ● Novice JavaScript-ing ● Stupid DHTML tricks ● Web Services ● Whether or not Ajax sux/rox/blows/... ● How to use Backbase or Echo2 or ... ● Jesse James Garrett In case you didn't know ● Ajax is a snappy term given (last year) to a collection of technologies that have been around since the previous century ● Ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML ● The XML part isn't required... plain text and JSON are often used instead, but Ajat and Ajaj sound stupid Why Ajaxify? ● Because many web applications in which every action causes the whole freakin' page to refresh are annoying ● Because you can create rich client applications without users installing the applications ● Because the techniques are (1) cross-browser, (2) server technology-agnostic, (3) require no plugins, and (4) mostly use open standards ! DEMO TIME !!! ● Google Maps http://maps.google.com ● Google Suggest http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1 ● Rico Demos http://openrico.org/rico/demos.page ● ajaxpattens.org Demos http://www.ajaxify.com/run/ ● script.aculo.us Demos http://wiki.script.aculo.us/scriptaculous/show/Demos What was behind those demos? ● Two basic things: 1. The actual document object in the browser was being modified dynamically (those were not Flash movies, applets, or other plugins) 2. The browser...
Website: www.cs.lmu.edu | Filesize: 126kb
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What this talk is not about ● Novice JavaScript-ing ● Stupid DHTML tricks ● Web Services ● Whether or not Ajax sux/rox/blows/... ● How to use Backbase or Echo2 or ... ● Jesse James Garrett In case you didn't know ● Ajax is a snappy term given (last year) to a collection of technologies that have been around since the previous century ● Ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML ● The XML part isn't required... plain text and JSON are often used instead, but Ajat and Ajaj sound stupid Why Ajaxify? ● Because many web applications in which every action causes the whole freakin' page to refresh are annoying ● Because you can create rich client applications without users installing the applications ● Because the techniques are (1) cross-browser, (2) server technology-agnostic, (3) require no plugins, and (4) mostly use open standards ! DEMO TIME !!! ● Google Maps http://maps.google.com ● Google Suggest http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1 ● Rico Demos http://openrico.org/rico/demos.page ● ajaxpattens.org Demos http://www.ajaxify.com/run/ ● script.aculo.us Demos http://wiki.script.aculo.us/scriptaculous/show/Demos What was behind those demos? ● Two basic things: 1. The actual document object in the browser was being modified dynamically (those were not Flash movies, applets, or other plugins) 2. The browser...
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userSmartsо GX
Copyright © 2007 Image Matters LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 2 userSmarts and Context-Sensitive Service are trademarks of Image Matters LLC. www.imagemattersllc.com userSmarts® GX A framework for building context-sensitive web applications Overview userSmarts GX is an open framework for building and deploying dynamic web-based decision support and portal systems. userSmarts GX simplifies the development of web applications by providing a multi-layered framework that hides the low-level interactions and details of Adaptive JavaScript and XML (AJAX) programming and preserves
the traditional “separation-of-concerns” model used in building J2EE applications. userSmarts GX Bundles userSmarts GX provides a set of extensible framework bundles: null userSmarts Core – Rich collection of foundation classes for building Java services and applications null userSmarts CX – Connection framework for accessing web resources and services; includes connectors for common OGC services null userSmarts OWS – Collection of extensible OGC web services; includes pre-built CSW (Catalog) and cascading WMS (Web Map Service) null userSmarts RCP – AJAX application framework implemented in JavaScript; modeled after the Eclipse Rich Client Platform null userSmarts Context – Extensible framework for managing projects, folders, and resources; includes support for GeoRSS feeds, maps, and reports null Context Sensitive Situation Awareness (CSSA) application serves as a starting point for developing new applications Context Sensitive Situation Awareness (CSSA) null A unique Common Operating Picture (COP) capability supporting “Context-Sensitive Situation Awareness” null System behaviors are driven by user and application context using Context-Sensitive Service null Features a COP Interoperability Framework for geospatial data and services, a standards- based framework for integrating distributed COP resources null Tools for discovering, viewing, analyzing and reporting on multi-source geospatial data null Supports a variety of geospatial data sources, including GeoRSS feeds...
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the traditional “separation-of-concerns” model used in building J2EE applications. userSmarts GX Bundles userSmarts GX provides a set of extensible framework bundles: null userSmarts Core – Rich collection of foundation classes for building Java services and applications null userSmarts CX – Connection framework for accessing web resources and services; includes connectors for common OGC services null userSmarts OWS – Collection of extensible OGC web services; includes pre-built CSW (Catalog) and cascading WMS (Web Map Service) null userSmarts RCP – AJAX application framework implemented in JavaScript; modeled after the Eclipse Rich Client Platform null userSmarts Context – Extensible framework for managing projects, folders, and resources; includes support for GeoRSS feeds, maps, and reports null Context Sensitive Situation Awareness (CSSA) application serves as a starting point for developing new applications Context Sensitive Situation Awareness (CSSA) null A unique Common Operating Picture (COP) capability supporting “Context-Sensitive Situation Awareness” null System behaviors are driven by user and application context using Context-Sensitive Service null Features a COP Interoperability Framework for geospatial data and services, a standards- based framework for integrating distributed COP resources null Tools for discovering, viewing, analyzing and reporting on multi-source geospatial data null Supports a variety of geospatial data sources, including GeoRSS feeds...
Website: www.imagemattersllc.com | Filesize: 495kb
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The Jaxcent Java-AJAX Framework
The Jaxcent Java-AJAX Framework Jaxcent is a Java AJAX framework. This paper outlines the philosophy of Jaxcent as a Java AJAX framework, and advantages of Jaxcent. Learning, Learning, Learning… The idea is to avoid learning. That may not sound very wholesome. After all, learning is GOOD. As programmers, we all appreciate learning new and cool methods and technologies. Yes, learning can be good. But there is only so much time and so much to learn. Face it, everything we learn
is not going to be rewarding. Those who have been in the industry for a while can undoubtedly recall time they spent learning things that were never useful, or at least not for long. Surely that time could have been put to better use? That’s the attraction of Jaxcent. Because Jaxcent is a very thin minimalist AJAX wrapper, you have practically nothing to learn. Not totally – if you don’t know HTML and don’t want to learn it, Jaxcent may not be for you. But if you do know HTML, Jaxcent will not require much additional learning, because its classes that work with HTML, well, they simply correspond to the HTML tags! There is a class for
is not going to be rewarding. Those who have been in the industry for a while can undoubtedly recall time they spent learning things that were never useful, or at least not for long. Surely that time could have been put to better use? That’s the attraction of Jaxcent. Because Jaxcent is a very thin minimalist AJAX wrapper, you have practically nothing to learn. Not totally – if you don’t know HTML and don’t want to learn it, Jaxcent may not be for you. But if you do know HTML, Jaxcent will not require much additional learning, because its classes that work with HTML, well, they simply correspond to the HTML tags! There is a class for
- and a class for
- and a class for
and a class for
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Subverting Ajax for Fun and Profit
23rd CCC Conference Abstract — The ability of modern browsers to use asynchronous requests introduces a new type of attack vectors. In particular, an attacker can inject client side code to totally subvert the communication flow between client and server. In fact, advanced features of Ajax framework build up a new transparent layer not controlled by the user. This paper will focus on security aspects of Ajax technology and on their influence upon privacy issues. Ajax is not only a
group of features for web developers: it's a new paradigm that allows leveraging the most refined client side attacks. Index Terms — Ajax Security, Universal Cross Site Scripting, Code Injection, Cache Poisoning, Prototype Hijacking, Auto Injecting Cross Domain Scripting I. INTRODUCTION Ajax[1] is an acronym for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. Ajax is not a new programming language, is an umbrella term which describes a group of features and enhancements to improve appearance and functionality of traditional web sites. Ajax relies on XMLHttpRequest[2], CSS, DOM and other technologies; the main characteristic of AJAX is its “asynchronous” nature, which makes possible to send and receive data from the server without having to refresh the page. Common Ajax implementations can be found in various languages and libraries like ActiveX, Flash and Java applet. This paper will focus on Javascript language, because is considered the formal standard in Web 2.0 application development. The large adoption of Javascript in Html code permits to create a transparent data exchange between client and server. Users then interact with standard Html objects controlled by classes and procedures interpreted by their browsers. Some examples of web applications that already use Ajax are GMail, GoogleMaps or Live.com. II. HOW AJAX...
Website: events.ccc.de | Filesize: 603kb
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group of features for web developers: it's a new paradigm that allows leveraging the most refined client side attacks. Index Terms — Ajax Security, Universal Cross Site Scripting, Code Injection, Cache Poisoning, Prototype Hijacking, Auto Injecting Cross Domain Scripting I. INTRODUCTION Ajax[1] is an acronym for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. Ajax is not a new programming language, is an umbrella term which describes a group of features and enhancements to improve appearance and functionality of traditional web sites. Ajax relies on XMLHttpRequest[2], CSS, DOM and other technologies; the main characteristic of AJAX is its “asynchronous” nature, which makes possible to send and receive data from the server without having to refresh the page. Common Ajax implementations can be found in various languages and libraries like ActiveX, Flash and Java applet. This paper will focus on Javascript language, because is considered the formal standard in Web 2.0 application development. The large adoption of Javascript in Html code permits to create a transparent data exchange between client and server. Users then interact with standard Html objects controlled by classes and procedures interpreted by their browsers. Some examples of web applications that already use Ajax are GMail, GoogleMaps or Live.com. II. HOW AJAX...
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Doris AJAX presentation for singapore
Web-tier Programming Codecamp II : AJAX Inyoung Cho Technology Evangelist Sun Microsystems, Inc. Goal Learn how to architect and build rich web applications using AJAX and J2EE™ technologies. Agenda •What is AJAX? •AJAX Anatomy •AJAX Guidelines •AJAX Consideration and Gotchas •Strategies and Best Practices: >AutoComplete Using a Servlet >AutoComplete Using a JSF Component •AJAX Issues & Futures •Summary and Resources What is AJAX? Conventional Rich Web Application •Click, wait, and refresh user interaction >Page refreshes from the server needed for
all events, data submissions, and navigation >Lost of operation context during refresh >Excessive server load and bandwidth consumption •Synchronous “request/response” communication model >Browser always initiates the request >The user has to wait for the response -- Slow response •Lack of two-way, real-time communication capability for server initiated updates •Plugins, applets, or browser black magic What is AJAX •AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous Javascript And XML >AJAX uses JavaScript combined with xml to grab information from a server without refreshing the page >nothing new, the main requirement is the web browser has the support for XMLHttpRequest object >The term AJAX was coined Jesse James Garrett in February 2005 •Advantages on web apps: >Dramatic improvement in user interface >"Partial screen update" replaces the "click, wait, and refresh" user interaction model User Interface: Traditional Web vs. AJAX Components: Traditional Web vs. AJAX Examples of AJAX apps •Google maps http://maps.google.com/ •Zimbra: demo at http://www.zimbra.com •Goold Suggest http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en •ZUGGEST- an XMLHttp Experiment using Amazon http://www.francisshanahan.com/zuggest.aspx •Mashup housing want-ads (craglist.org)with Google maps http://www.housingmaps.com/ Usage cases for AJAX •Real-time form data validation >user IDs, serial numbers, postal codes, or even special coupon codes that require server-side validation can be validated in a form before the user...
Website: ru.sun.com | Filesize: 992kb
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all events, data submissions, and navigation >Lost of operation context during refresh >Excessive server load and bandwidth consumption •Synchronous “request/response” communication model >Browser always initiates the request >The user has to wait for the response -- Slow response •Lack of two-way, real-time communication capability for server initiated updates •Plugins, applets, or browser black magic What is AJAX •AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous Javascript And XML >AJAX uses JavaScript combined with xml to grab information from a server without refreshing the page >nothing new, the main requirement is the web browser has the support for XMLHttpRequest object >The term AJAX was coined Jesse James Garrett in February 2005 •Advantages on web apps: >Dramatic improvement in user interface >"Partial screen update" replaces the "click, wait, and refresh" user interaction model User Interface: Traditional Web vs. AJAX Components: Traditional Web vs. AJAX Examples of AJAX apps •Google maps http://maps.google.com/ •Zimbra: demo at http://www.zimbra.com •Goold Suggest http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en •ZUGGEST- an XMLHttp Experiment using Amazon http://www.francisshanahan.com/zuggest.aspx •Mashup housing want-ads (craglist.org)with Google maps http://www.housingmaps.com/ Usage cases for AJAX •Real-time form data validation >user IDs, serial numbers, postal codes, or even special coupon codes that require server-side validation can be validated in a form before the user...
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Ajax programming using Digi's Advanced Web Server
Ajax programming using Digi’s Advanced Web Server AWS and Ajax Copyright 2009 Digi International Page | 2 1 Document History Date Version Change Description 3/12/09 V1.0 Initial entry 3/13/09 V1.1 Additional content and edits AWS and Ajax Copyright 2009 Digi International Page | 3 2 Table of Contents Contents 1 Document History ....................................................................................................... 2 2 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ 3 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4 3.1 Problem Solved .................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Audience ............................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Assumptions ......................................................................................................... 4 3.4 Scope ....................................................................................................................
5 3.5 Theory of Operation ............................................................................................. 6 4 Using Ajax Techniques in AWS ................................................................................. 6 4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6 4.2 The HTML file ..................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 HTML code ................................................................................................... 7 4.2.2 JavaScript code ............................................................................................. 8 4.3 The “stub” functions (*_v.c file) ........................................................................ 10 4.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 10 4.3.2 Operations ................................................................................................... 10 5 Application specific information .............................................................................. 11 6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 11 7 Glossary .................................................................................................................... 12 AWS and Ajax Copyright 2009 Digi International Page | 4 3 Introduction Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) is an new and exciting use of existing technologies that make web-based application act more like workstation-based applications. This white paper discussed the use of Ajax with Digi’s NET+OS-based Advanced Web Server (AWS). Example code can be found at this link: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/aws_and_ajax.zip 3.1 Problem Solved In the normal web-based, form-based application today, a user fills in a form. The problem is that the user must completely fill in the form before the data is sent to the device. In many circles today, this is considered slow and backwards. To give a web- based application a more workstation-based feel, developers want their applications to update fields as the data is entered by the user. Additionally they would like this...
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5 3.5 Theory of Operation ............................................................................................. 6 4 Using Ajax Techniques in AWS ................................................................................. 6 4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6 4.2 The HTML file ..................................................................................................... 7 4.2.1 HTML code ................................................................................................... 7 4.2.2 JavaScript code ............................................................................................. 8 4.3 The “stub” functions (*_v.c file) ........................................................................ 10 4.3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 10 4.3.2 Operations ................................................................................................... 10 5 Application specific information .............................................................................. 11 6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 11 7 Glossary .................................................................................................................... 12 AWS and Ajax Copyright 2009 Digi International Page | 4 3 Introduction Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) is an new and exciting use of existing technologies that make web-based application act more like workstation-based applications. This white paper discussed the use of Ajax with Digi’s NET+OS-based Advanced Web Server (AWS). Example code can be found at this link: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/aws_and_ajax.zip 3.1 Problem Solved In the normal web-based, form-based application today, a user fills in a form. The problem is that the user must completely fill in the form before the data is sent to the device. In many circles today, this is considered slow and backwards. To give a web- based application a more workstation-based feel, developers want their applications to update fields as the data is entered by the user. Additionally they would like this...
Website: ftp1.digi.com | Filesize: 234kb
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Using Ajax for Web Application Development: What Businesses Need
Using Ajax for Web Application Development: What Businesses Need to Know Lately, you may have been hearing more and more about Ajax and begun to wonder how it could be beneficial to your business's web application development projects. First, it is important to start with an understanding of this type of web programming. While the concept is not new – it has existed since 1998 – the term did not come into being until February 2005, when Jesse James Garrett
coined it as a way to shorten the combination of three technologies that he was going to be using for web application development: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This recent phrasing may partially explain why Ajax programming has become such a hot concept for businesses to explore. Today, Ajax is being used in web application development by many major players on the web, including Google, which pioneered its use in a mainstream manner with its Google Maps service, as well as many web-based email systems. This is as a direct result of the updating of computer technology in general – today's average computer user has a faster network connection, a faster machine, and a higher level of computer knowledge than those that used computers ten years ago, opening the door for more complex technologies to be used by a wider array of websites. On the other hand, web programming using Ajax is not necessary for a site to be successful; sites such as Amazon and eBay, which are clearly doing well in the business arena, are either not using this form of web programming at all or are using it sparingly. Still, web programming with Ajax has quickly been incorporated into...
Website: hosteddocs.ittoolbox.com | Filesize: 70kb
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coined it as a way to shorten the combination of three technologies that he was going to be using for web application development: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This recent phrasing may partially explain why Ajax programming has become such a hot concept for businesses to explore. Today, Ajax is being used in web application development by many major players on the web, including Google, which pioneered its use in a mainstream manner with its Google Maps service, as well as many web-based email systems. This is as a direct result of the updating of computer technology in general – today's average computer user has a faster network connection, a faster machine, and a higher level of computer knowledge than those that used computers ten years ago, opening the door for more complex technologies to be used by a wider array of websites. On the other hand, web programming using Ajax is not necessary for a site to be successful; sites such as Amazon and eBay, which are clearly doing well in the business arena, are either not using this form of web programming at all or are using it sparingly. Still, web programming with Ajax has quickly been incorporated into...
Website: hosteddocs.ittoolbox.com | Filesize: 70kb
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Friday, March 16, 2012
Mobile Ajax for Java ME Technology Introduction
Mobile Ajax for Java ME Technology Akhil Arora, Senior Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems Inc. akhil@sun.com Vincent Hardy, Senior Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems Inc. vincent.hardy@sun.com Introduction There are many Sun Microsystems technologies that use Ajax [Ajax], and more than one way to use Ajax on mobile platforms. For example, applications written using the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE, formerly known as J2EE) may generate XML, JSON [JSON], XHTML and/or ECMAScript destined for mobile browsers. One of the recent advances on
the Java Platform, Mobile Edition (Java ME, formerly known as J2ME) is the Mobile Service Architecture [MSA]. MSA is a Java Specification Request (JSR-248) which defines a set of APIs for Java ME which include a wide variety of features, from Bluetooth to payment, multimedia APIs and support for rich, animated graphics. This paper discusses an effort to provide Java ME developers with tools to create Mobile Ajax applications, combining the simplicity and familiarity of the Ajax programming model with the richness and secure environment of the MSA APIs. This effort takes the form of an open-source library that can be added to any Java ME application. The paper briefly describes this library along with some sample use cases. Mobile Ajax For The Java ME Platform Ajax is typically used in the context of Web applications running in a browser and using XmlHttpRequest from ECMAScript to retrieve XML or JSON data from RESTful Web Services. The results are applied as updates to the current browser's page DOM (Document Object Model [DOM]). In the scope of this paper, Mobile Ajax on the Java ME platform is used to mean the following: ● Asynchronous call to the network (using the Mobile Information...
Website: www.w3.org | Filesize: 189kb
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the Java Platform, Mobile Edition (Java ME, formerly known as J2ME) is the Mobile Service Architecture [MSA]. MSA is a Java Specification Request (JSR-248) which defines a set of APIs for Java ME which include a wide variety of features, from Bluetooth to payment, multimedia APIs and support for rich, animated graphics. This paper discusses an effort to provide Java ME developers with tools to create Mobile Ajax applications, combining the simplicity and familiarity of the Ajax programming model with the richness and secure environment of the MSA APIs. This effort takes the form of an open-source library that can be added to any Java ME application. The paper briefly describes this library along with some sample use cases. Mobile Ajax For The Java ME Platform Ajax is typically used in the context of Web applications running in a browser and using XmlHttpRequest from ECMAScript to retrieve XML or JSON data from RESTful Web Services. The results are applied as updates to the current browser's page DOM (Document Object Model [DOM]). In the scope of this paper, Mobile Ajax on the Java ME platform is used to mean the following: ● Asynchronous call to the network (using the Mobile Information...
Website: www.w3.org | Filesize: 189kb
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Web Programming/Scripting: AJAX Examples and Google Maps API
1 CS 312 Internet Concepts Web Programming/Scripting: AJAX Examples and Google Maps API Dr. Michele Weigle Department of Computer Science Old Dominion University mweigle@cs.odu.edu http://www.cs.odu.edu/~mweigle/CS312-F08/ 2 AJAX and Google Maps !!AJAX Examples »! XML »! Live Search »! RSS Reader »! Poll !!Google Maps API 3 AJAX XML Example !!Components »! HTML form »! XML file »! Javascript »! PHP page "!because we want to use PHP to load XML, we need PHP 5 "!www.cs.odu.edu server has PHP 4 "!webspace.cs.odu.edu
server has PHP 5 "!I wrote a version that only uses Javascript http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_xml.asp http://webspace.cs.odu.edu/~mweigle/cs312/php5/plants.html http://www.cs.odu.edu/~mweigle/cs312/php/plants.html 4 AJAX XML plants.html
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server has PHP 5 "!I wrote a version that only uses Javascript http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_xml.asp http://webspace.cs.odu.edu/~mweigle/cs312/php5/plants.html http://www.cs.odu.edu/~mweigle/cs312/php/plants.html 4 AJAX XML plants.html
Plant info will be listed here.
5 AJAX XML selectPlant.js var xmlHttp; function showPlant(str) { xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlHttp==null) { alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request"); return; } var url="getPlant.php"; url=url+"?q="+str; url=url+"&sid="+Math.random(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=stateChanged; xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlHttp.send(null); } 6 AJAX XML selectPlant.js function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; } } 7 AJAX XML selectPlant.js function GetXmlHttpObject() { var xmlHttp=null; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } return xmlHttp; } 8 plant_catalog.xml CATALOG PLANT COMMON BOTANICAL ZONE LIGHT PRICE AVAILABILITY 9 AJAX XML getPlant.php load("../xml/plant_catalog.xml"); $x = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName ('COMMON'); for ($i=0; $i<=$x->length-1; $i++) { // Process only element nodes if ($x->item($i)->nodeType == 1) { if ($x->item($i)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue == $q) { $y = ($x->item($i)->parentNode); } } } not supported...Website: www.cs.odu.edu | Filesize: 250kb
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Ajax but no JavaScript
R o b b i e C h e n g , T e c h n o l o g y E v a n g e l i s t , Z K F r a m e w o r k J u n e 2 3 , 2 0 0 9 ZK Building Rich Internet Applications with a Direct RIA Solution > RIA: Promise and Challenge > Direct RIA - ZK: Simple and Rich > Brand
New World 3 The Internet Is the Application EJB, BPM, MQ, Web Services, SAP R/3, Oracle 10g, Notes Any time Any where Any device Web applications are great in every measurement, except no user wants to use it. 5 User Frustration Where are these fields? Where are what I entered? Responsive User Experience Why RIA? Rich, engaging user experience Cross platforms support Minimize network traffic [Source: Forrester Resource] User Interface Evolution Complex Ajax Technology Complex Technology Stack JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, Document Object Model, XML Browser incompatibility Complicated Programming Model XMLHttpRequest object for asynchronous communication Less Secure Plaintext JavaScript code Less Maintainable Client code and server code Challenges of Ajax Applications 11 Why so complex? Windows Programming Client/Server Programming Web Programming Ajax Programming J2EE Programming > RIA: Promise and Challenge > Direct RIA: ZK – Simple and Rich > Brand New World What is Direct RIA ? Rich user experience + Simple programming model Typical Programming Model Client Side Programming Complicated Client and Server Communication Danger of Exposure of Business Logic Maintenance Headache Application Application Browser Server components Ajax engine Direct RIA Programming Model...
Website: www.zkoss.org | Filesize: 1931kb
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New World 3 The Internet Is the Application EJB, BPM, MQ, Web Services, SAP R/3, Oracle 10g, Notes Any time Any where Any device Web applications are great in every measurement, except no user wants to use it. 5 User Frustration Where are these fields? Where are what I entered? Responsive User Experience Why RIA? Rich, engaging user experience Cross platforms support Minimize network traffic [Source: Forrester Resource] User Interface Evolution Complex Ajax Technology Complex Technology Stack JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, Document Object Model, XML Browser incompatibility Complicated Programming Model XMLHttpRequest object for asynchronous communication Less Secure Plaintext JavaScript code Less Maintainable Client code and server code Challenges of Ajax Applications 11 Why so complex? Windows Programming Client/Server Programming Web Programming Ajax Programming J2EE Programming > RIA: Promise and Challenge > Direct RIA: ZK – Simple and Rich > Brand New World What is Direct RIA ? Rich user experience + Simple programming model Typical Programming Model Client Side Programming Complicated Client and Server Communication Danger of Exposure of Business Logic Maintenance Headache Application Application Browser Server components Ajax engine Direct RIA Programming Model...
Website: www.zkoss.org | Filesize: 1931kb
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Crossing borders: Ajax on Rails
Crossing borders: Ajax on Rails Why Ajax works so well with Ruby Level: Intermediate Bruce Tate (bruce.tate@j2life.com), President, RapidRed 05 Dec 2006 The hype for Ajax, a technique for making Web pages more interactive, is in overdrive. The Ruby on Rails framework is also flourishing, partly on the strength of its excellent Ajax integration. Find out what makes Ajax on Rails such a powerful combination. The previous two Crossing borders articles (see Resources) walked you through Streamlined, a Rails add-on
that makes effective use of scaffolding to generate simple, Ajax-enabled user interfaces quickly. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you recognize Ajax as a programming technique that uses XML, JavaScript, and Web standards to create highly interactive Web pages, such as those you'll find at Google Maps and hundreds of other sites. Several readers of the Streamlined articles asked me to describe the way Ajax works on Ruby on Rails. This article walks through a couple of simple Ajax examples and, along the way, shows you what makes the Ruby/Ajax combination so successful. In the next article in this series, I'll dig into JavaScript as a programming language. Ajax defined Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML. Jesse James Garrett, an information architect, came up with the term in 2005 to describe a technique that had seen niche use for nearly a decade (see Resources ). Ajax use then exploded, with a simultaneous growth in libraries, popular Web sites, and literature. Ajax redefines the basic browser's usage model, which was to render a page at a time. Ajax lets the browser communicate with the server between page updates. The upside is a richer user experience, at the cost of...
Website: www.balearsinnovacio.com | Filesize: 271kb
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that makes effective use of scaffolding to generate simple, Ajax-enabled user interfaces quickly. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you recognize Ajax as a programming technique that uses XML, JavaScript, and Web standards to create highly interactive Web pages, such as those you'll find at Google Maps and hundreds of other sites. Several readers of the Streamlined articles asked me to describe the way Ajax works on Ruby on Rails. This article walks through a couple of simple Ajax examples and, along the way, shows you what makes the Ruby/Ajax combination so successful. In the next article in this series, I'll dig into JavaScript as a programming language. Ajax defined Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML. Jesse James Garrett, an information architect, came up with the term in 2005 to describe a technique that had seen niche use for nearly a decade (see Resources ). Ajax use then exploded, with a simultaneous growth in libraries, popular Web sites, and literature. Ajax redefines the basic browser's usage model, which was to render a page at a time. Ajax lets the browser communicate with the server between page updates. The upside is a richer user experience, at the cost of...
Website: www.balearsinnovacio.com | Filesize: 271kb
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202. Ajax in Java Applications
202. Ajax in Java Applications Version 5.0 This course guides Java developers through the sometimes bewildering array of approaches to adding Ajax functionality into their web applications. We analyze the challenges of supporting Ajax from the server side, going beyond simple Ajax request-handling strategies to consider goals such as: • Adhering to the model/view/controller pattern • Minimizing duplication of business and presentation logic • Providing Ajax code transparent access to the application's domain model Reuse mechanisms such as JSP tag
files and JSF facelets are also considered. We then look at two of the dominant forms of Ajax framework: the RMI approach, and JSF component libraries. For each class of tool we investigate two popular options -- DWR and jabsorb; RichFaces and Trinidad -- and use that comparison to discover the broader architectural patterns of that approach. Students will complete the course ready to make intelligent choices of Ajax tooling for their applications, and to start working with their chosen framework. Prerequisites • Understanding of the Ajax programming model is required. This course is intended to follow Course 201, Developing Ajax Applications, or some equivalent training. • Significant Java programming experience is required. • Basic servlets and JSP programming experience is required. • JSF experience will be helpful for the final unit, but is not required. Copyright © Capstone Courseware, LLC. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives • Identify architectural and design challenges inherent in the use of Ajax for Java applications. • Define a request-handling path that best addresses the needs of a given Java web application. • Manage script content and bind scripts to graphical widgets using JSP. • Use JSP tag files to consolidate presentation chunks such that...
Website: www.capcourse.com | Filesize: 153kb
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files and JSF facelets are also considered. We then look at two of the dominant forms of Ajax framework: the RMI approach, and JSF component libraries. For each class of tool we investigate two popular options -- DWR and jabsorb; RichFaces and Trinidad -- and use that comparison to discover the broader architectural patterns of that approach. Students will complete the course ready to make intelligent choices of Ajax tooling for their applications, and to start working with their chosen framework. Prerequisites • Understanding of the Ajax programming model is required. This course is intended to follow Course 201, Developing Ajax Applications, or some equivalent training. • Significant Java programming experience is required. • Basic servlets and JSP programming experience is required. • JSF experience will be helpful for the final unit, but is not required. Copyright © Capstone Courseware, LLC. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives • Identify architectural and design challenges inherent in the use of Ajax for Java applications. • Define a request-handling path that best addresses the needs of a given Java web application. • Manage script content and bind scripts to graphical widgets using JSP. • Use JSP tag files to consolidate presentation chunks such that...
Website: www.capcourse.com | Filesize: 153kb
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Monday, March 12, 2012
Ajax-based Report Pages as Incrementally Rendered Views
Ajax-based Report Pages as Incrementally Rendered Views Yupeng Fu UC San Diego yupeng@cs.ucsd.edu Keith Kowalczykowski app2you, Inc. keith@app2you.com Kian Win Ong UC San Diego kianwin@cs.ucsd.edu Yannis Papakonstantinou app2you, Inc. and UC San Diego yannis@cs.ucsd.edu Kevin Keliang Zhao UC San Diego kezhao@cs.ucsd.edu ABSTRACT While Ajax-based programming enables faster performance and higher interface quality over pure server-side program- ming, it is demanding and error prone as each action that partially updates the page requires custom, ad-hoc code. The problem is exacerbated by
distributed programming between the browser and server, where the developer uses JavaScript to access the page state and Java/SQL for the database. The FORWARD framework simpli es the devel- opment of Ajax pages by treating them as rendered views, where the developer declares a view using an extension of SQL and page units, which map to the view and render the data in the browser. Such a declarative approach leads to signi cantly less code, as the framework automatically solves performance optimization problems that the devel- oper would otherwise hand-code. Since pages are fueled by views, FORWARD leverages years of database research on incremental view maintenance by creating optimization techniques appropriately extended for the needs of pages (nesting, variability, ordering), thereby achieving performance comparable to hand-coded JavaScript/Java applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.8 [Information Systems]: Database Management| Database Applications General Terms Languages Keywords Ajax, SQL, View Maintenance Supported by NSF IIS-00917379 and a Google Research Award Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the...
Website: db.ucsd.edu | Filesize: 502kb
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distributed programming between the browser and server, where the developer uses JavaScript to access the page state and Java/SQL for the database. The FORWARD framework simpli es the devel- opment of Ajax pages by treating them as rendered views, where the developer declares a view using an extension of SQL and page units, which map to the view and render the data in the browser. Such a declarative approach leads to signi cantly less code, as the framework automatically solves performance optimization problems that the devel- oper would otherwise hand-code. Since pages are fueled by views, FORWARD leverages years of database research on incremental view maintenance by creating optimization techniques appropriately extended for the needs of pages (nesting, variability, ordering), thereby achieving performance comparable to hand-coded JavaScript/Java applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.8 [Information Systems]: Database Management| Database Applications General Terms Languages Keywords Ajax, SQL, View Maintenance Supported by NSF IIS-00917379 and a Google Research Award Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the...
Website: db.ucsd.edu | Filesize: 502kb
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Crash Course on AJAX Programming
A Crash Course on AJAX Programming Compiled by E.Soundararajan Scientific Information Resource Division IGCAR, Kalpakkam Email: sound@igcar.gov.in AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML AJAX is not a new programming language, but a technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications. With AJAX, your JavaScript can communicate directly with the server, using the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object. With this object, your JavaScript can trade data with a web server, without reloading the page. AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP requests)
between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages. The AJAX technique makes Internet applications smaller, faster and more user-friendly. AJAX is a browser technology independent of web server software. AJAX is Based on Web Standards AJAX is based on the following web standards: • JavaScript • XML • HTML • CSS The web standards used in AJAX are well defined, and supported by all major browsers. AJAX applications are browser and platform independent. AJAX is About Better Internet Applications Web applications have many benefits over desktop applications; they can reach a larger audience, they are easier to install and support, and easier to develop. However, Internet applications are not always as "rich" and user-friendly as traditional desktop applications. With AJAX, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly. AJAX Uses HTTP Requests In traditional JavaScript coding, if you want to get any information from a database or a file on the server, or send user information to a server, you will have to make an HTML form and GET or POST data to the server. The user will have to click the "Submit" button...
Website: library.igcar.gov.in | Filesize: 111kb
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between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages. The AJAX technique makes Internet applications smaller, faster and more user-friendly. AJAX is a browser technology independent of web server software. AJAX is Based on Web Standards AJAX is based on the following web standards: • JavaScript • XML • HTML • CSS The web standards used in AJAX are well defined, and supported by all major browsers. AJAX applications are browser and platform independent. AJAX is About Better Internet Applications Web applications have many benefits over desktop applications; they can reach a larger audience, they are easier to install and support, and easier to develop. However, Internet applications are not always as "rich" and user-friendly as traditional desktop applications. With AJAX, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly. AJAX Uses HTTP Requests In traditional JavaScript coding, if you want to get any information from a database or a file on the server, or send user information to a server, you will have to make an HTML form and GET or POST data to the server. The user will have to click the "Submit" button...
Website: library.igcar.gov.in | Filesize: 111kb
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The characteristics of Ajax applications
The characteristics of Ajax applications The underlying technologies behind classic Web applications (HTML) are pretty simple and straightforward. This simplicity, however, comes with a certain cost. Classic web pages has very little intelligence and lack of dynamic and interactive behaviors. Ajax, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, changes the landscape. Ajax is not a specific product or technology. Instead, it refers to a set of technologies and techniques that allow web pages be interactive like desktop applications. Different from classic HTML web
applications, Ajax applications have the following characteristics. The Web Page as Application Ajax blurs the boundary between web pages and applications. In classic web applications, a web page is an HTML document that can be rendered by a browser for information display purpose. It has limited or often zero intelligence on its own. In an Ajax application, the HTML page the server sends to the browser includes code that allows the page to be a lot “smarter”. This code runs in the background acting as the “brain” while the HTML document is rendered in the browser window. The code can detect events such as key strokes or mouse clicks and perform actions responding to these events, without making a round trip to the server. Through Ajax, a web page feels like a desktop application. It responds fast, almost immediately to user actions, without full page refresh. It can further continuously update the page by asynchronously fetching data from the server in the background, achieving desktop application experience. Servers are For Data, Not Pages Ajax changes the role of web pages from being merely HTML documents into “applications” that have both HTML markup as well as code. Similarly, Ajax changes the...
Website: www.openajax.org | Filesize: 541kb
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applications, Ajax applications have the following characteristics. The Web Page as Application Ajax blurs the boundary between web pages and applications. In classic web applications, a web page is an HTML document that can be rendered by a browser for information display purpose. It has limited or often zero intelligence on its own. In an Ajax application, the HTML page the server sends to the browser includes code that allows the page to be a lot “smarter”. This code runs in the background acting as the “brain” while the HTML document is rendered in the browser window. The code can detect events such as key strokes or mouse clicks and perform actions responding to these events, without making a round trip to the server. Through Ajax, a web page feels like a desktop application. It responds fast, almost immediately to user actions, without full page refresh. It can further continuously update the page by asynchronously fetching data from the server in the background, achieving desktop application experience. Servers are For Data, Not Pages Ajax changes the role of web pages from being merely HTML documents into “applications” that have both HTML markup as well as code. Similarly, Ajax changes the...
Website: www.openajax.org | Filesize: 541kb
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Introduction to AJAX
AJAX Prepared for Professor Goo Group Surfnet Lindsay Barbier Dimitrios Marangakis Felipe Santa-Ana Executive Summary The era of technology is advancing rapidly throughout the world. In order for technology to move forward, more advance programming languages must emerge. One of the main technological advancements is the creation of the World Wide Web. XML and JavaScript enable us to construct how we view the numerous websites on the Internet. The creation of the programming language, AJAX, is helping website technology advance
greatly. AJAX is a combination of XML and JavaScript to help improve the performance and attractiveness of websites by updating only part of the page at a time. AJAX has the capability to decrease the use of bandwidth significantly. Although AJAX has many benefits, it also has its downfalls such as limited security and accessibility. When relating to businesses, cost and time are two very important factors. Businesses always try to minimize cost while maximizing profit. A Web 2.0 company relies tremendously on bandwidth to provide their customers with the best possible product. Reducing bandwidth cost, which is one of the majority costs of business, is a great possibility with the help of AJAX. It has been proven that taking a traditional approach to a Web 2.0 page and an AJAX page has lowered bandwidth usage by more than 60%. AJAX is also giving companies the opportunity to save on time. Since the writing of the language is simple it takes less lines of code to create an AJAX page than traditional JavaScript or XML. Ajax dynamically loads pages which makes web pages feel more like stand alone applications. AJAX will change the way people and corporations use the Internet...
Website: itom.fau.edu | Filesize: 59kb
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greatly. AJAX is a combination of XML and JavaScript to help improve the performance and attractiveness of websites by updating only part of the page at a time. AJAX has the capability to decrease the use of bandwidth significantly. Although AJAX has many benefits, it also has its downfalls such as limited security and accessibility. When relating to businesses, cost and time are two very important factors. Businesses always try to minimize cost while maximizing profit. A Web 2.0 company relies tremendously on bandwidth to provide their customers with the best possible product. Reducing bandwidth cost, which is one of the majority costs of business, is a great possibility with the help of AJAX. It has been proven that taking a traditional approach to a Web 2.0 page and an AJAX page has lowered bandwidth usage by more than 60%. AJAX is also giving companies the opportunity to save on time. Since the writing of the language is simple it takes less lines of code to create an AJAX page than traditional JavaScript or XML. Ajax dynamically loads pages which makes web pages feel more like stand alone applications. AJAX will change the way people and corporations use the Internet...
Website: itom.fau.edu | Filesize: 59kb
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Thursday, March 8, 2012
Data Sheet: AJAX
Copyright © 2008 Viewpoint Data Management, LLC. www.myAperio.com Data Sheet: AJAX AJAX Copyright © 2008 Viewpoint Data Management, LLC. www.myAperio.com 2 INTRODUCTION AJAX is a web programming technique, which yields a desktop “application-like” feel to a browser based program like Aperio. This provides companies the ability to disseminate Aperio company wide, only requiring users to have a web browser. Aperio’s powerful ability to manage and control large amounts of test data is enhanced by the use of AJAX’s ability to make the user interface familiar and efficient. With AJAX, data is handled separately from style and format elements, thereby reducing the bandwidth required to update pages. Data can be incrementally re-loaded on an as needed basis via the server, while HTML is produced locally from the browser. KEY FEATURES JavaScript Uses the XMLHttpRequest object. Enhanced User Interface Uninterrupted views of multiple web controls. Automatic refresh, or refresh on demand. Loading indicators OVERVIEW OF KEY FEATURES JavaScript AJAX is a web programming technique that employs JavaScript to manipulate and use the XMLHttpRequest object. This object allows requests from a web page to be sent directly to the back end for retrieving data, processing information, or a variety of other tasks. Due to the objects ability to handle these requests, a webpage that a user is accessing does not need to be fully reloaded as new data is retrieved. Enhanced User Interface The use of AJAX can greatly enhance the user’s experience of Aperio’s browser based program. The following are some examples: • Users could be on a page that presents several different web controls. By interacting with one control they are presented with new information from that control, while maintaining an.
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Website: www.myaperio.com | Filesize: 79kb No of Page(s): 3 Download Data Sheet: AJAX.pdf
Data Management for Mobile Ajax Web 2.0 Applications
Data Management for Mobile Ajax Web 2.0 Applications Stefan Böttcher , Rita Steinmetz University of Paderborn (Germany) Computer Science Fürstenallee 11 D-33102 Paderborn stb@uni-paderborn.de , rst@uni-paderborn.de Abstract. Whenever Ajax applications on mobile devices have to retrieve large XML data fragments from a remote server, a reduction of the exchanged data volume may be crucial to manage limited bandwidth and limited energy of the mobile device. We propose to use an XML compression technique that com- presses an XML document to
a binary directed acyclic graph (DAG) and to use DAG-based DOM evaluation on the client side. Our experiments show that the data transfer for applications like amazon or eBay can be reduced to 70% of the original data transfer needed. 1. Introduction Whenever web applications shall involve small mobile devices, limited resources like energy and bandwidth require minimizing data exchange. While Ajax [7] has the ad- vantage that new web pages can be shown on the mobile client device without a full exchange of the data that is contained in the web page, Ajax still uses a DOM model, which, in the case of XML data exchange, requires exchanging at least fragments of XML. As XML tends to be verbose, a promising optimization is to use compressed XML instead of exchanging and storing XML as a DOM tree. The contributions of this paper are the following. • We summarize the requirements to an Ajax engine working on compressed XML (in Section 2). • We show how XML data can be converted into a binary directed acyclic graph (binary DAG) that can be transported from client to server in order to reduce the amount of data exchanged (in sections 3.1 and...
Website: www.cs.uni-paderborn.de | Filesize: 152kb
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a binary directed acyclic graph (DAG) and to use DAG-based DOM evaluation on the client side. Our experiments show that the data transfer for applications like amazon or eBay can be reduced to 70% of the original data transfer needed. 1. Introduction Whenever web applications shall involve small mobile devices, limited resources like energy and bandwidth require minimizing data exchange. While Ajax [7] has the ad- vantage that new web pages can be shown on the mobile client device without a full exchange of the data that is contained in the web page, Ajax still uses a DOM model, which, in the case of XML data exchange, requires exchanging at least fragments of XML. As XML tends to be verbose, a promising optimization is to use compressed XML instead of exchanging and storing XML as a DOM tree. The contributions of this paper are the following. • We summarize the requirements to an Ajax engine working on compressed XML (in Section 2). • We show how XML data can be converted into a binary directed acyclic graph (binary DAG) that can be transported from client to server in order to reduce the amount of data exchanged (in sections 3.1 and...
Website: www.cs.uni-paderborn.de | Filesize: 152kb
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Beginning Web Programming using JavaScript and Ajax
ITSE 1411 Beginning Web Programming using JavaScript and Ajax BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE DALLAS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT INSTRUCTOR: Patti Burks PHONE: 972-860-4329 E-MAIL: pburks@dcccd.edu OFFICE: K104 Course Syllabus ITSE 1411 Web Page Programming (4) Skill development in web page programming including mark-up and scripting languages. Workforce Skill Standards: The Web Design and Development Level 2 Certificate is currently in process of becoming Texas Skills Standard compliant with the Web Development and Administration skill cluster. This course is a part of this
certificate curriculum. Taken through Brookhaven College, this course meets key activities as determined by profesionals in the various fields of web design, development and administration. The workforce key activities this course addresses are referenced within the learning outcomes. To learn more about the Texas Skill Standards, visit the website: www.tssb.org Objectives: The objective of this class is instruction in designing and developing web pages that incorporate text, graphics, client-side scripting and multimedia using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XHTML, JavaScript and AJAX. Overview: Instruction in Internet Web page programming and related graphic design issues including mark- up language, Web sites, Internet access software, and interactive topics. The primary focus of this course is creation of interactive web pages using Javascript. Required Texbook: JavaScript & AJAX, Visual Quickstart Guide, 7th Edition, by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith. PeachPit Press. ISBN: 0-321-56408-1 Learning Outcomes: Successful completion of this course will enable the student to: (Texas Skill Standards key activities are referenced) Create web sites utilizing a markup language Design, develop, and evaluate interactive web sites Learn JavaScript programming including loops, functions, arrays, variables and event- handling Create JavaScript scripts that execute within a Web page Use JavaScript to...
Website: hb2504.dcccd.edu | Filesize: 93kb
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certificate curriculum. Taken through Brookhaven College, this course meets key activities as determined by profesionals in the various fields of web design, development and administration. The workforce key activities this course addresses are referenced within the learning outcomes. To learn more about the Texas Skill Standards, visit the website: www.tssb.org Objectives: The objective of this class is instruction in designing and developing web pages that incorporate text, graphics, client-side scripting and multimedia using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XHTML, JavaScript and AJAX. Overview: Instruction in Internet Web page programming and related graphic design issues including mark- up language, Web sites, Internet access software, and interactive topics. The primary focus of this course is creation of interactive web pages using Javascript. Required Texbook: JavaScript & AJAX, Visual Quickstart Guide, 7th Edition, by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith. PeachPit Press. ISBN: 0-321-56408-1 Learning Outcomes: Successful completion of this course will enable the student to: (Texas Skill Standards key activities are referenced) Create web sites utilizing a markup language Design, develop, and evaluate interactive web sites Learn JavaScript programming including loops, functions, arrays, variables and event- handling Create JavaScript scripts that execute within a Web page Use JavaScript to...
Website: hb2504.dcccd.edu | Filesize: 93kb
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Introduction to Ajax
Introduction to Ajax Sang Shin Java Technology Architect Sun Microsystems, Inc. sang.shin@sun.com www.javapassion.com 2 Agenda 1.What is Rich User Experience? 2.Rich Internet Application (RIA) Technologies 3.AJAX: Real-life examples & Usage cases 4.What is and Why AJAX? 5.Technologies used in AJAX 6.Anatomy of AJAX operation 7.XMLHttpRequest Methods & Properties 8.DOM APIs & InnerHTML 9.AJAX Security 10.JavaScript debugging tools 3 Topics Covered in Other Presentations • AJAX Toolkits & Frameworks • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) • Dojo Toolkit • DWR (Direct Web
Remoting) • AJAX-enabled JSF Components • Google Web Toolkit (GWT) • jMaki • Phobos (MVC-based server-side scripting) • Ajax and Portlet/Portal • Wicket and Shale (as AJAX-aware Web applicaion frameworks) • JavaScript Programming Best Practices 1. Rich User Experience for Web Application 5 Rich User Experience • Take a look at a typical desktop application (Spreadsheet app, etc.) • The program responses intuitively and quickly • The program gives a user meaningful feedback's instantly > A cell in a spreadsheet changes color when you hover your mouse over it > Icons light up as mouse hovers them • Things happen naturally > No need to click a button or a link to trigger an event 6 Characteristics of Conventional Web Applications (Apps without Ajax) • “Click, wait, and refresh” user interaction > Any communication with the server forces a page refresh • Synchronous “request/response” communication model > The user has to wait for the response • Page-driven: Workflow is based on pages > Page-navigation logic is determined by the server 7 Issues of Conventional Web Application • Interruption of user operation > Users cannot perform any operation while waiting for a response • Loss of operational context during refresh >...
Website: www.javapassion.com | Filesize: 388kb
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Remoting) • AJAX-enabled JSF Components • Google Web Toolkit (GWT) • jMaki • Phobos (MVC-based server-side scripting) • Ajax and Portlet/Portal • Wicket and Shale (as AJAX-aware Web applicaion frameworks) • JavaScript Programming Best Practices 1. Rich User Experience for Web Application 5 Rich User Experience • Take a look at a typical desktop application (Spreadsheet app, etc.) • The program responses intuitively and quickly • The program gives a user meaningful feedback's instantly > A cell in a spreadsheet changes color when you hover your mouse over it > Icons light up as mouse hovers them • Things happen naturally > No need to click a button or a link to trigger an event 6 Characteristics of Conventional Web Applications (Apps without Ajax) • “Click, wait, and refresh” user interaction > Any communication with the server forces a page refresh • Synchronous “request/response” communication model > The user has to wait for the response • Page-driven: Workflow is based on pages > Page-navigation logic is determined by the server 7 Issues of Conventional Web Application • Interruption of user operation > Users cannot perform any operation while waiting for a response • Loss of operational context during refresh >...
Website: www.javapassion.com | Filesize: 388kb
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Aspects of AJAX
Aspects of AJAX 1 Aspects of AJAX Published online at http://www.mathertel.de/AJAX/AJAXeBook.aspx By Matthias Hertel, 2005 2007 Version 1.2 published 1. May 2007 Aspects of AJAX 2 About this book This book is about an AJAX Framework and an AJAX Engine for JavaScript, XML, SOAP, WSDL und ASP.NET using standard Web Services on the server. This book is containing the updated articles and samples from my Blog "Aspects of AJAX", available at http://ajaxaspects.blogspot.com/ together with some new and rewritten articles. The
implementation of the Samples, the AJAX Engine and a lot of web controls can be found on http://www.mathertel.de/AJAXEngine/. The License This book and all the articles on my blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License that can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/de/. The software itself is licensed under a BSD style license that can be found at http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx. State of this book This book is still not finished and will be updated and extended from time to time. You will find more information when reading the Blog or downloading a new copy of this book. There are still a lot of aspects undocumented or undiscovered. State of the Software The AJAX engine is working fine in many projects I do myself and I’ve heard about and you can use it where ever you want. The license model I’ve chosen to publish the information and the source code allows also a commercial use of it. For ASP.NET a set of web controls are available that make using the AJAX technology a lot easier because of the declarative approach that comes with using web controls. For JAVA the AJAX Engine is available without any tag libraries. Since 2006 also other...
Website: www.mathertel.de | Filesize: 1411kb
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implementation of the Samples, the AJAX Engine and a lot of web controls can be found on http://www.mathertel.de/AJAXEngine/. The License This book and all the articles on my blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License that can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/de/. The software itself is licensed under a BSD style license that can be found at http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx. State of this book This book is still not finished and will be updated and extended from time to time. You will find more information when reading the Blog or downloading a new copy of this book. There are still a lot of aspects undocumented or undiscovered. State of the Software The AJAX engine is working fine in many projects I do myself and I’ve heard about and you can use it where ever you want. The license model I’ve chosen to publish the information and the source code allows also a commercial use of it. For ASP.NET a set of web controls are available that make using the AJAX technology a lot easier because of the declarative approach that comes with using web controls. For JAVA the AJAX Engine is available without any tag libraries. Since 2006 also other...
Website: www.mathertel.de | Filesize: 1411kb
No of Page(s): 142
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