The THS8133, THS8134, THS8135, and the THS8200 devices are part of a family of chips for graphics and video applications, which contain triple DACs that operate up to 240 MSPS. For television applications, an analog low-pass filter is required to reconstruct the signal that is input to the monitor. High definition television (HDTV) requires a sampling frequency of 74.25 MHz and has pass-band, transition-band, and stop-band attenuation requirements, which affect the complexity of the filter. A higher sampling rate results in a lower filter complexity.
The THS8133, THS8134, THS8135, and THS8200 comprise a family of graphics/video chips that have triple digital-to-analog converters (DACs) that convert digital graphics signals GBR/YPbPr to analog. They insert bilevel or trilevel syncs into the green/luma signal. The trilevel sync is used for horizontal synchronization of high definition (HD) television signals. Table 1 lists the chips and their capabilities. The THS8200 incorporates a 1:2 upsampling and interpolation filter, which results in a simplification of the filter design that is used to reconstruct the analog output signal. The advantages of 2x oversampling are examined for the high definition (HD) television application.
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