Tuesday, March 23, 2010

iblueTooth Operating & Procedures Manual

The motivation for Bluetooth technology.
The notion of connecting devices (computers, peripheral PDA’s, TV’s, phones) has become a very challenging and complex thing. Whenever two or more devices need to communicate with each other, they have to be able to understand each other. Some questions that immediately come to mind when you have to connect multiple devices together are; Will these devices have a serial or parallel connection? What protocol has the device manufacturers ‘agreed’ upon? Are these devices talking over a cable or are they wireless?

It’s fairly clear that the average user can get confused and even overwhelmed when attempting to keep track of all these different standards and configurations. In this day and age, we need something a little more user-friendly. We can all agree that plug-and-play made life easier when installing new hardware, why not solve the problems with device connectivity?

What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a wireless technology that enables devices to connect point-to-point or multipoint (up to seven simultaneous connections by a single device) rather than the traditional cable links. This means that devices that are Bluetooth enabled can connect to each other in a wireless environment, no more cables! Bluetooth operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency, and it is usable within a range of 10 meters to 1km. Keep in mind that Bluetooth is not going to replace your network; it is geared towards a device-to- device communication.

Bluetooth will eliminate the need for electronic products and accessories to be connected via a wired connection. Other Bluetooth compatible devices can communicate in a wireless environment and exchange files, transfer and synchronise between themselves. Yet another advantage of Bluetooth is that links can be established between groups of products at the same time, compared to the single connection limitation with cables. One of the features of Bluetooth devices is that they broadcast themselves to other Bluetooth enabled devices. This means that you can easily find and communicate with devices without having to manually create a connection.


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