to further medico-legal investigations. The forensic investigator often should call upon the radiologist whose expertise might prove invaluable in forensic consultations.The radiologist should be aware of the importance of storing radio- graphs over prolonged periods of time and of e⁄cient record keeping methods, because various legal problems may require the radiographs for additional interpretation or for their presentation in court. Some of the main issues that might be encountered in forensic radiology are discussed in this review. The importance of radiographic techniques in clinical forensic medicine is widely recognized. Radiographs are taken on post-mortem examina- tions to locate foreign bodies or document frac- tures and other types of injuries. Radiological examinations play a signi¢cant role in diagnosing non-accidental injuries of children, in medical negligence and in establishing biological aging in disputed cases. Finally, in forensic anthropology and odontology the comparison of ante-mortem and post-mortem radiographs is one of the corner- stones of positive identi¢cation of human remains. The aim of this review is to cover the various uses of radiology within forensic medicine. Clinical radiologists and forensic experts should be aware of the responsibility incurred when o¡er- ing an expert testimony in a court of law. Some suggestions related to storage and record keeping of radiographs will be o¡ered, although regula- tions...
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