Scalable Force Directed Graph Layout Algorithms Using Fast Multipole Methods Enas Yunis, Rio Yokota and Aron Ahmadia King Abdullah University of Science and Technology 4700 KAUST, Thuwal, KSA 23955-6900 fenas.yunis, rio.yokota, aron.ahmadiag Abstract—We present an extension to ExaFMM, a Fast Multipole Method library, as a generalized approach for fast and scalable execution of the Force-Directed Graph Layout algorithm. The Force-Directed Graph Layout algorithm is a physics-based approach to graph layout that treats the vertices V as repelling charged particles
with the edges E connecting them acting as springs. Traditionally, the amount of work re- quired in applying the Force-Directed Graph Layout algorithm is O(jVj2 +jEj) using direct calculations and O(jVjlogjVj+ jEj) using truncation, filtering, and/or multi-level techniques. Correct application of the Fast Multipole Method allows us to maintain a lower complexity of O(jVj + jEj) while regaining most of the precision lost in other techniques. Solving layout problems for truly large graphs with millions of vertices still re- quires a scalable algorithm and implementation. We have been able to leverage the scalability and architectural adaptability of the ExaFMM library to create a Force-Directed Graph Layout implementation that runs efficiently on distributed multicore and multi-GPU architectures. Keywords-Force directed graph layout; Fast multipole meth- ods; Multi-GPUs I. INTRODUCTION Force-Directed Graph Layout (FDGL) is a popular al- gorithm for automatically generating aesthetically pleasing 2D and 3D visualizations of large sparse graphs [1], [2]. FDGL is a physics-based approach to graph layout that treats the vertices as repelling charged particles and the edges connecting them as springs. Given a graph G = (V;E) consisting of a set of vertices V and a set of undirected edges E, a graph layout algorithm associates a position xd for each vertex v in V . FDGL works by assigning an initial random position x0 to each vertex and interactive forces between each vertex (usually an electromagnetic-style repulsion between each vertex modeled after Coulomb’s Law and attractive linear springs among edges modeled after Hooke’s Law), then using either global optimization heuristics to find a configuration of minimal potential energy, where the system’s potential energy P is computed by summing the repulsive vertex-vertex potential interaction energies Pv and the edge potential energies Pe over all vertices. A common heuristic for minimizing potential energy is simulated annealing, [1], [3] where a “warm” system with vertices allowed to freely move is gradually “cooled” allowing the algorithm to occasionally escape local minima in optimizing P. There are several commonly used stopping criterion; [3] bases their approach on total system energy, while [1] relies on a direct temperature cooling technique. Additionally, there are a large variety of force models for interactions, some can be easily connected to existing physical models, while others rely on purely mathematical constructions. Calculating the repulsive interactions na¨ıvely using direct integration requires O(jVj2) computations [1], [2]. Addi- tionally, O(jEj) computations per iteration are needed for spring calculations. Given...
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