Student Time Table ABSTRACT Graph Colouring Algorithm was used to generate the student weekly time table in a typical university department. The problem was a Node-Point problem and it could not be solved in the polynomial domain. Various constraints in weekly scheduling such as lecturer demands, course hours and laboratory allocations
were confronted and weekly time tables were generated for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students in a typical semester. I. INTRODUCTION Timetabling is the allocation, subject to constraints, of given resources to objects in space-time domain to satisfy a set of desirable objectives as nearly as possible. Particularly, the university timetabling problem for courses can be viewed as fixing in time and space a sequence of meetings between instructors and students, while simultaneously satisfying a number of various essential conditions or constraints. The model takes advantage of the structural properties of conflict graph instances that arise from university timetabling problems, and is based on the effectiveness of a variety of graph coloring approaches. These are intelligently-ordered and intelligently-searched sequ- ential coloring methods, as well as integer and constraint programming formulations of graph coloring in solving such problems. Planning timetables is one of the most complex and error-prone applications. There are still serious problems occurring and these problems are repeating frequently. Therefore there is a great requirement for an application distributing the courses evenly and without collisions. Graph coloring algorithm is one of the most used algorithms. [1] II. TIMETABLING AND GRAPH COLORING In a typical semester, the courses are...
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