the same present value The credit spread Since , we can write the loan is now valued as Default-prone interest rate increases. First model: two credit states What is the credit spread? Assume only 2 possible credit states: solvency and default Assume the probability of solvency in a fixed period (one year, for example), conditional on solvency at the beginning of the period, is given by a fixed amount: q According to this model, we have which gives rise to a constant credit spread: The general Markov model In other words, when the default process follows a Markov chain, the credit spread is constant, and equals Solvency Default Solvency q 1 - q Default 0 1 Goodrich-Morgan swap The fixed rate loan G-RB CreditMetrics analysis: setup The leg to consider for Credit Risk is the one between JPMorgan and BF Goodrich Cashflows of the leg (in million USD): 0.125 upfront 5.5 per yr, during 8 years Assume: constant spread h = 180 bpi 2 state transition probabilities matrix G-RB CreditMetrics: expected cashflows Since Expected[cashflows] = ($cashflows) * Prob{non_default} Then E[cashflows] = .125 + Sum( 5.5 * P{nondefault @ each year}) But at the same time E[cashflow] = G-RB CreditMetrics: probability of default Under our assumptions: P {non-default} = exp(-h) = exp(-.018) = .98216 constant for each year The 2 state matrix: BBB D BBB .9822 .0178 D 0 1 G-RB CreditMetrics: compute cashflows Inputs P{default of BBB corp.} = 1.8%; 1-exp(0.018)=0.9822 The gvmnt zero curve for August 1983 was r = (.08850,.09297,.09656,.0987855,.10550, .104355,.11770,.118676) for years (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) G-RB CreditMetrics: cashflows (cont) E[cashflows] Risk-less Cashflows G-RB CreditMetrics: Expected losses Therefore E[loss] = 1 – ( E[cashflows] / Non-Risk Cashflow) = .065776 i.e. the proportional expected loss is around 6.58% of USD 24.67581 million Or roughly E[loss] = 1.623 (USD million) Non-constant spreads A default/no-default model (such as CreditRisk+) leads to constant spreads, unless probabilities vary with time In order to fit non-constant spreads, and be able to fit the model to market observations, one needs to assume either: • Time-varying default probabilities • Multi-rating systems (such as credit- metrics) Markov Processes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transition Probabilities Constant in time t=0 t=1 t=2 Transition probabilities...
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