Thursday, September 26, 2013

Interagency Supervisory Guidance on Counterparty Credit Risk

Interagency Supervisory Guidance on Counterparty Credit Risk - FDIC1 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Office of Thrift Supervision Interagency Supervisory Guidance on Counterparty Credit Risk Management June 29, 2011 Table of Contents I. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................2 II. Governance 1. Board and Senior Management Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 3 2. Management Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Risk Management Function and Independent Audit ..................................................................................... 4 III. Risk Measurement 1. Counterparty Credit Risk Metrics ................................................................................................................. 4 2. Aggregation of Exposures ............................................................................................................................. 5 3. Concentrations ............................................................................................................................................... 6 4. Stress Testing ................................................................................................................................................ 7 5. Credit Valuation Adjustments ....................................................................................................................... 8 6. Wrong-Way Risk ......................................................................................................................................... 10 IV. Systems Infrastructure Considerations ..........................................................................................11 V. Risk Management 1. Counterparty Limits .................................................................................................................................... 13 2. Margin Policies and Practices .....................................................................................................................

14 3. Validation of Models and Systems .............................................................................................................. 15 4. Close-out Policies and Practices .................................................................................................................. 16 VI. Managing Central Counterparty Exposures ................................................................................................ 16 VII. Legal and Operational Risk Management .................................................................................................... 17 1. Legal Risk Arising from Counterparty Appropriateness ............................................................................. 18 VIII. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendices A: Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 B: Detail on Model Validation and Systems Evaluation ................................................................................. 23 2 COUNTERPARTY CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT I. Introduction This guidance discusses critical aspects of effective management of counterparty credit risk (CCR), and sets forth sound practices and supervisory expectations for an effective CCR management framework. CCR is the risk that the counterparty to a transaction could default or deteriorate in creditworthiness before the final settlement of a transaction’s cash flows. Unlike the credit risk for a loan, when only the lending banking organization 1 faces the risk of loss, CCR creates a bilateral risk of loss because the market value of a transaction can be positive or negative to either counterparty. The future market value of the exposure and the counterparty’s credit quality are uncertain and may vary over time as underlying market factors change. The guidance is intended for use by banking organizations, especially those with large derivatives portfolios, in setting their risk management practices, as well as by supervisors as they assess and examine such institutions’ management of CCR. For other banking organizations without large derivatives portfolios, risk managers and supervisors should apply this guidance as appropriate, given the size, nature, and complexity of the CCR risk profile of the banking organization. CCR is a multidimensional form of risk, affected by both the exposure to a counterparty and the credit quality of the counterparty, both of which are sensitive to market-induced changes. It is also affected by the interaction of these risks, for example the correlation 2 between an exposure and the credit spread of the counterparty, or the correlation of exposures among the banking organization’s counterparties. Constructing an effective CCR management framework requires a combination of risk management techniques from the credit, market, and operational risk disciplines. CCR management techniques have evolved rapidly over the last decade, along with increased complexity of derivative instruments under management. Banking organizations substantially improved their risk management practices during this time; however, in some cases, implementation of sound practices has been uneven across business lines and counterparty types. Further, the financial crisis of 2007-2009 revealed weaknesses in CCR management at many banking organizations,...

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