Transfer of bulk electrical power over long distances is routine in North America in order to have a reliable and economical electrical supply. For example, hydro- electric power generated in Canada can be transferred to consumers and industry in Los Angeles using the high voltage transmission system. But the transmission system has a limited capability to transfer power. The maximum power that can be transferred is called the transfer capability. To operate the power system safely and to gain the benefits of the bulk power transfers, the transfer capabilities must be calculated and the power system planned and operated so that the power transfers do not exceed the transfer capability.
The purpose of this document is to explain concepts and calculations of transfer capability and describe applications of transfer capability. The document aims to give a tutorial introduction to some standard transfer capability concepts and introduce some new methods in transfer capability sensitivity and accounting for uncertainty.
Some highlights of the document are:
1. Explanation and illustration of transfer capability using a transfer capability calculator available on the web (chapter 1).
2. Discussion of transfer capability computations and applications (chapters 2 and 4).
3. Fast methods to compute transfer capability sensitivities to a wide range of parameters using formulas; testing of these methods on a 3357 bus system (chapter 3).
4. Extension of standard DC load flow transfer capability methods to AC load flow models and parameters (chapter 3).
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