must not be offered or distributed through any barter arrangement, auction or auction site. The contents are based on the author’s personal experience and research. The author is not responsible for any consequences that anyone may attribute to their reading this book. Some links may change or even not work for many reasons beyond the control of the author and distributors. They cannot guarantee or otherwise be responsible for what you might find when you click through. What are the Secrets That Help Us Overcome Inaction and Help Us Achieve Our Dreams? Introduction This short eBook was written to help you understand where motivation comes from and the steps to take to attain it. Motivation is not always easy to pin down. Whether you are just starting out in business or pursuing opportunities online OR if you have been at it for a long time OR somewhere in between, motivation to do the things you need to do day in and day out can be challenging. Sometimes many of us will go on for months and even years without a break through… without making enough money to say, “YES! I’ve made it!!” So how do you stay motivated OR get...
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