1 ACG 2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting Fall 2012 PROFESSOR: Jill K. Goslinga, CPA, J.D. OFFICE: GER 315 PHONE: 273-0216 Email: ACG2021Instructor@warrington.ufl.edu World Wide Web: http://lss.at.ufl.edu LIVE CLASS: Tuesday/Thursday: 9:40-11:20AM in Stuzin 104 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursday12:00-1:30 PM and by appointment Objectives: This is an introductory course intended to develop an understanding of the environment, role, and basic principles of financial accounting, primarily from the standpoint of the user of financial information. The course is not directed towards the needs of any particular major. The objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Identify the information conveyed in each of the four basic financial statements and the way that it is used by different decision makers. 2. Identify what
constitutes a business transaction and apply transaction analysis to record the effects of those transactions. 3. Prepare basic financial statements based upon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. 4. Describe common financial statement relationships used in financial analysis. Text: Harrison, Horngren & Thomas, Financial Accounting, 9th edition, Pearson. (**2nd Custom edition for UF**) Additional Requirements: My Accounting Lab ****The text and My Accounting Lab can be purchased as a package from the bookstore. Please note, when purchased as a package the access code to My Accounting Lab only costs $5. If purchased individually (i.e. if you buy a used book) the access code to My Accounting Lab costs $55 (or $100 with an e-book). When the My Accounting Lab access code is purchased as a package with the book or if the $100 access code is purchased separately you will have access to an electronic version of the book. If you do not want a hardcopy of the book you may purchase only the $100 access code to My Accounting Lab**** Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or completion of 24 semester hours. How to Succeed in this Course In order to succeed in this course you must keep up with the material. There is a lot of material covered in this course and the concepts in each chapter build on the concepts discussed in the previous chapter. You should plan on spending between 8 and 12 hours in addition to lecture preparing for the course. The following steps will ensure you perform to the best of your ability: 1. Read the assigned chapter and take notes on the chapter prior to lecture 2. Attend or watch lecture (Do not let yourself get behind if you are watching lecture online) 3. After lecture complete the applicable homework using the notes you completed in step 1 above 4. Attend office hours to review any issues from the homework 5. Take the assigned quiz (or if no quiz is assigned for the chapter complete extra practice problems in My 2 Accounting Lab Getting Assistance and Staying in Touch: There is an announcement section within the class website. This will be the vehicle by which all announcements will be made. You are expected to check the class website and My Accounting Lab on a DAILY basis to check for any new announcements and to check the calendar to make sure due dates have not changed. Any change in...
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