Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kawasaki Teryx 750 ATV Clutch Kit Instructions

The instructions we provide are guidelines only and will not thoroughly explain how to set up a racing vehicle. Claims of performance gains, durability, etc. are based on the experience of TEAM Industries and others and do not constitute a guarantee of similar performance in every application. We believe that the contents and specifications within this set of instructions are correct. We assume no liability for any errors in model applications. We reserve the right to change specifications, product descriptions, product quality and application at any time without notice.

Make sure your current clutches are free of fatigue, cracks, wear, etc. TEAM clutch components are produced with high quality materials and a controlled procedure. Never alter TEAM Industries clutch components.

1. Remove both seats from the vehicle. Next, remove the passenger side lower body panel. There is a mixture of Philips head screws and also plastic push pin fasteners that have to be removed.
2. With the side panel off, the next item to remove is the plastic housing over the engine. These are all “push in” style plastic clips that hold it in place. Once all the pins are out, you can slide the housing off and set it aside.
3. Now the lower long plastic panel under the seat has to be removed (again mainly plastic push clips to remove). Once they are all out, carefully remove and set aside.
4. Next, remove the fuel tank. Remove the two lines on the top of the tank. There are two straps that hold the tank in place. Remove the bolt from each strap, remove the straps, and lift the fuel tank out.
5. Now the bracket that holds the fuel pump on has to be removed. There are two bolts here to take out. Once this is done, mark the two wires to the coil and disconnect them. Set the bracket out of the way.


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