It seems not impossible that a symbiotic relationship exists between those two algEe, a relationship which would be obviously beneficial to Calothrix, this species being more or less deprived of chlorophyll. This question, however, must remain for the while a mere hypothesis, because I was not able to study the question more thoroughly. The dimensions of the cells are very variable. At the end of the cell-filaments the cells are rather short (from 3'6JU— 7-2 ju), but lengthen towards the base (from 7 - 8 /j—10'8/x) ; their breadth is from 3 - 6ju—7'2fj. The filaments which are enclosed in thick hyaline sheaths are pseudo-ramified. Each pseudo-ramification possesses at its base a heterocyst and some concave cells. To study the cytological details the cell-filaments were fixed in Pfeiffer's solution, washed jn alcohol 60 per cent., after the ordinary passages through alcohol embedded in 624 N. H. SWBLLENGREBEL. pai'affin (52°), and cut in sections from 4—6ju thick. The sections were washed in xylol and stained with iron-hema- toxylin (Heidenhain). I shall not enumerate here the different papers which have been published about the cytology of CyanophyceEe. For reference to them the very complete works of Kohl, 1 Fischer, 2 and Guillierrnond...
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