Rapid response to the user O -line Classical Web Applications Easy to distribute and deploy Poor user experience Delayed responses On-line Can we get the best of these two worlds? 2 INDEX Rich Internet Applications Rich user experience Easy to distribute and deploy Easy to actualize Rich user experience Rapid response to the user Can work o -line Multiplatform 3 INDEX RIA PlatformsAdobe Flash Was the creator of the RIA concept More oriented to graphical designers than to developers Adobe Flex Based on ash but oriented to developers XML (MXML) + Action Script 3.0 Open Laszlo XML (LZX) + ECMAScript Compiles into Flash or AJAX Microsoft Silverlight XML (XAML) + .NET (web version of WPF: Windows Presentation Foundation) Java Web Start Autodeployable and updatable applications JavaFX ???? JavaFX Script JavaFX Mobile AJAX 4 INDEX AJAX Based on standards and not owned by any company AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (term coined by Jesse James Garret in a famous article) AJAX is not new but it was not popular until Google used it into its products Based on the XMLHTTP object introduced in IE5.0 (1999) to allow remote scripting of Outlook Web Access All browsers have included their own...
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