specific wording and color requirements for the signs? Answer: With the deployment of digital dental radiography in all Air Force Radiation Symbol clinics, many facilities are decentralizing radiology by installing intraoral tubeheads in dental operatories. Before these recent installations, many clinics used a central radiology room for the majority of their x-ray exposures. Often the central radiology room is lead-lined and has a specific lead-lined barrier or booth that the x-ray technician stands behind while exposing radiographs. Usually, the technician closes the door while exposing radiographs and at a minimum, a sign such as, “Please knock before entering, X-ray Room”, is posted on the door or near the entrance to the room. Some clinics may even have the official standard radiation symbol posted to caution staff and patients. Another sign that has commonly been posted in dental waiting rooms and/or centralized radiology rooms is a sign requesting women to notify the dental staff if they may be pregnant. Specific definitions and policies governing the posting of cautionary signs in regard to radiation are published in Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulations, Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 20: Standards of protection against radiation, and are also specifically addressed by...
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