comprehensive migration and support processes, which are designed specifically for ensuring a worry-free cloud experience. What is Cloud Server? Cloud server is a highly available multitenant platform that’s architected specifically around superior performance, availability and data protection. Cloud server offers four initial configurations, all of which can be scaled with more storage, Ram, or vCPus during deployment or at any time afterwards. Cloud server offers fixed monthly pricing to ensure cost predictability. all Cloud server accounts include public iPs, infrastructure management, 99.999% sla, 24x7 support, nightly backups, monitoring, firewalls, firewall management, VPn management, windows 2008 Enterprise Os and iis. in addition, all Cloud server accounts include complimentary onboarding and migration from intermedia’s Cloud Concierge™ team. available Cloud server add-ons include additional vCPus, memory, storage, extended backup, bandwidth and microsoft sQl server add-ons. available services include server restoration, file restoration, and adding/removing iP addresses. 2 How do you use Cloud Server? Cloud server offers an application infrastructure to support both new deployments as well as the migration of existing servers, both on-premise and from other clouds. its use cases extend across the spectrum of smb needs, including running a network of terminal services; hosting business applications like Quickbooks, sharePoint or file servers; or supporting infrastructure components like microsoft active Directory and microsoft sQl server. Cloud Server’s cost of ownership Cloud server offers lower cost of ownership as compared to on-premise servers, without diminishing your levels of control. • no capital outlay is required • leverage intermedia’s aggregated purchasing power for access to enterprise-grade datacenters and best-of-breed components • Reduce the cost of planning for business continuity and disaster recovery • Fixed monthly billing keeps your bills predictable and manageable • Rapid scalability offers full and immediate access to additional power whenever your business needs it PROVisiOn in minutEs 99.99% sla ElastiC CaPaCitY tOP tiER DataCEntERs cloud Server InfraStructure the sections below describe the technical details that underpin Cloud server. Datacenter Cloud server is hosted in an ssaE16 type ii compliant, tier iii datacenter with redundant electrical and cooling infrastructure, verified levels of physical security, and redundant power supplies. to assure performance, availability and data protection, intermedia’s datacenters offer: 3 Physical Security • Cloud server is hosted in intermedia’s Virginia datacenter • highly secure and reliable tier iii datacenter • a consistently more secure environment than on-premise deployments can provide • internal and external closed circuit television (CCtV) surveillance • biometric scanners...
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