Sunday, August 24, 2008


Differentiation, Integration, Editing Start Maple.
To differentiate sin(x2) type diff( sin(x^2), x); hit Return
The ←, →, ↑, ↓ keys may be used to navigate in the worksheet and the Backspace, Delete keys may be used to correct typing errors. Don’t forget the semicolon - every command ends with a semicolon. To compute definite and indefinite integrals use int( sin(x), x= 0..Pi ); and hit Return int( a*x^2, x ); and hit Return

Note that Pi (upper case P) is the symbol used for π in Maple. The first command computes the definite integral and the second command computes the indefinite integral. Notice, in the second command, ax2 could have been integrated with respect to x or a. One convenient editing trick is the following. Suppose we wish to differentiate xsin(x3). We have already differentiated sin(x
2) - so using the ← ↑ → ↓, keys on the right hand side of the keyboard, move the cursor to that line. Then using the Backspace, Delete, and arrow keys modify that line to read


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Using LaTeX to Create Quality PDF Documents

This article is devoted to methods of creating fine quality interactive pdf documents using LATEX. For individuals who write technical material, TEX and LATEX are the idealauthoring tools. Even though this article is written primarily for LATEX users, people who prefer pure TEX may derive much from this article as well. I, myself, prefer AMS-TEX; even so, there is no denying the power, convenience and utility of LATEX.

Beyond the question of the content of your document (content being of premier importance), what elements go into making an attractive document suitable for the www? Page Layout A document not meant to be printed but to be viewed over the Internet must be comfortable enough to the eyes to be read over long periods of time; therefore, making a good choice for page layout is certainly important.
Color Emphasis is a traditionalway of attracting the attention of the reader to a particularly important point. We discuss the ways of...


Friday, August 22, 2008

GPGPU – Basic Math Tutorial

The goal of this tutorial is to explain the background and all necessary steps that are required to implement a simple linear algebra operator on the GPU: saxpy() as known from the BLAS library. For two vectors x and y of length N and a scalar value alpha, we want to compute a scaled vector-vector addition: y = y+alpha∗x. The saxpy() operation requires almost no background in linear algebra, and serves well to illustrate all entry-level GPGPU concepts. The techniques and implementation details introduced in this tutorial can easily be extended to more complex calculations on GPUs.

This tutorial is based on OpenGL, simply because the target platform should not be limited to MS Windows. Most concepts explained here however translate directly to DirectX. This tutorial is not intended to explain every single detail from scratch. It is written for programmers with a basic understanding of OpenGL, its state machine concept and the way OpenGL models the graphics pipeline. For a good overview and pointers to reading material, please refer to the GPGPU community web page 1 .Updates of this tutorial are available on my homepage.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to Study Mathematics

Before I get into the tips for how to study math let me first say that everyone studies differently and there is no one right way to study for a math class. There are a lot of tips in this document and there is a pretty good chance that you will not agree with all of them or find that you can’t do all of them due to time constraints. There is nothing wrong with that. We all study differently and all that anyone can ask of us is that we do the best that we can. It is my intent with these tips to help you do the best that you can given the time that you’ve got to work with.

Now, I figure that there are two groups of people here reading this document, those that are happy with their grade, but are interested in what I’ve got to say and those that are not happy with their grade and want some ideas on how to improve. Here are a couple of quick comments for each of these groups.

If you have a study routine that you are happy with and you are getting the grade you want from your math class you may find this an interesting read. There is, of course, no reason to change your study habits if you’ve been successful with them in the past. However, you might benefit from a comparison of your study habits to the tips presented here.

If you are not happy with your grade in your math class and you are looking for ways to improve your grade there are a couple of general comments that I need to get out of the way before proceeding with the tips. Most people who are doing poorly in a math class fall into three main categories


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Discourse Phenomena in Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Proofs

Dialogs about problem solving in mathematics are characterized by a mixture of telegraphic natural language text and embedded formal expressions. Behaving adequately in such an environment is extremely important for tutorial systems, as follows from Moore’s empirical findings which show that flexible natural language dialog is needed to support active learning [9]. However, most state-of-the-art tutorial systems are only able to process limited forms of dialogs, either menu-based or requiring exact wordings [10,2,6].

Motivated by the lack of empirical data, we have collected a corpus of dialogs with a simulated tutoring system for teaching proofs in naive set theory, to identify genre-specific variants of linguistic phenomena which impose specific requirements on natural language dialog management. This work is embedded in a project whose goal is to develop a mathematical tutoring system with flexible natural language dialog. The outline of this paper is as follows. We first present the aims of our project. Next, we describe an experiment in which we collected a corpus of natural language tutorial dialogs. We follow with an analysis of the phenomena observed. Finally, we discuss challenges for natural language dialog management.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beginner's Mathematica Tutorial

This document is designed to act as a tutorial for an individual who has had no prior experience with Mathematica. For a more advanced tutorial, walk through the Mathematica built in tutorial located at Help > Tutorial on the Mathematica Task Bar.
Starting the Program
1. Start Mathematica. After the program starts, you should see something similar to that shown in Figure 1.
2. It is possible that the Basic Input Palette is not visible at startup. To activate this window, go File > Palettes > Basic Input

Using Mathematica
1. Mathematica is a symbolic manipulator. To assign a variable, simply type it in the Input Window. The enter in the command, you need to hit “Shift + Enter”.
1. Type in “x = 1” then hit “Shift + Enter”
2. Type in “y = a+b;” then hit “Shift + Enter” (note the semicolon here!)
3. Type “z = x + y” then hit “Shift + Enter”


A Tutorial on TEM Transmission Lines

The concept of TEM transmission lines has been a distinct element of electronics engineering for well over 70 years [1, 2]. The term TEM (Transverse ElectroMagnetic [3], also known as Transverse Electric and Magnetic [4]) refers to a condition in which both the electric and magnetic fields are parallel to a boundary plane [5] and there are no longitudial components of either field.

Other terms such as transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) refer to conditions in which the electric field or magnetic field, respectively, of a propagating wave is parallel to a boundary plane, in this case being the surface of the conductors of a transmission line, while at the same time the accompanying magnetic or electric fields, respectively, still have some longitudinal (or axial) components [6]. Both of these terms are normally associated with wave guides [5].


Monday, August 18, 2008

WME: Web-based Mathematics Education

An Idea Whose Time Has Come
• Mathematics teachers and students need help in many countries.
• Availability and standardization of the Web and the Internet have grown and evolved sufficiently.
• Maturing technologies: MathML, ECMAScript, DOM, SVG, XML, CSS, Web Services, ...
• Symbolic and numerical computation systems, have matured and become Internet Accessible.
• Decreasing cost and increasing speed of WAN, LAN, and wireless networking.
• Schools in many places have begun to deploy Internet/Web in classrooms.

Web Helps Math Edu
The Web offers helpful materials for Mathematics teaching/learning.
• The Ohio Resource Center for Mathematics, Science, and Reading provides online resources for mathematics education.
• Mathematics section of the US Department of Education site.
• The National Science Foundation’s Math Is Power.
• The IES sponsored Education Resources Information Center, an extensive literature database.
• The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) links to lesson plans and activities.


Working With Real Instruments

If you sing or play a musical instrument, you can connect a microphone or an electric musical instrument to your computer and record your performances in a Real Instrument track. Each recording appears as a region in the track.You can add effects to a Real Instrument track, and edit Real Instrument regions in the track editor.

What You'll Need
To work with Real Instruments, you’ll need to have each of the following items on hand:
• Enough free hard disk space to record to (stereo CD-quality recording requires about 10 MB of disk space per minute of recording)
• A microphone to record voices or acoustic musical instruments, or an electric musical instrument you want to record
• Audio cables to connect the microphone or instrument to your computer
• Optionally, an audio interface to connect the microphone or instrument to your computer


Sunday, August 17, 2008


To a mathematician math is an end in itself; to the chemist and chemistry student it is a means to an end: a tool. Little in chemistry can be studied and understood without the aid of mathematics. Since math will be an important tool for you it is best if you learn to use this tool efficiently.

Efficiency at doing anything comes through practice; you learn to do something by doing it. The problems in this Tutorial are for your practice. You should do these problems over and over until you can do them automatically. Then when the time comes to use these skills in a chemistry problem you can pay attention to the principle illustrated by the problem and not get lost in the use of math.

If you have to spend what seems like an extraordinary amount of time on these problems, then, definitely, you need to practice and the time spent will repay you many times over during the semester. It may even make the difference between doing well and dropping out. The two math skills covered in this Tutorial are: (1) exponential arithmetic and (2) significant figures.
EXPONENTIAL ARITHMETIC: The basics are given in Appendix A, section A.1, pp 1012-1014, of your lecture text.


MathMl Presenting and Capturing Mathematics for the Web

Document Markup for Mathematics
• Problem: Mathematical Vernacular and mathematical formulae have more structure than can be expressed in a linear sequence of standard characters
• Definition (Document Markup)
Document markup is the process of adding codes to a document to identify the structure of a document or the format in which it is to appear

Document Markup Systems for Mathematics
• M$ Word/Equation Editor: WYSYWIG, proprietary formatter/reader
+ easy to use, well-integrated
– limited mathematics, expensive, vendor lock-in
• TEX/LATEX: powerful, open formatter (TEX), various readers (DVI/PS/PDF)
+ flexible, portable persistent source, high quality math
– inflexible representation after formatting step
• HtML+GIF: server-side formatting, pervasive browsers
+ flexible, powerful authoring systems LATEX/Mathematica/...
– limited accessibility, reusability


A Tutorial on Mathematical Modeling

It is the quintessence of science, engineering, and numerous other disciplines to make quantitative observations, record them, and then try to make some sense out of the resulting dataset. Quite often, the latter is an easy task, due either to practiced familiarity with the domain or to the fact that the goals of the exercise are undemanding. However, when working at the frontiers of knowledge, this is not the case. Here, one encounters unknown territory, with maps that are sometimes poorly defined and always incomplete.

The question posed above is nontrivial; the path from observation to understanding is, in general, long and arduous. There are techniques to facilitate the journey but these are seldom taught to those who need them most. My own observations, over the past twenty years, have disclosed that, if a functional relationship is nonlinear, or a probability distribution something other than Gaussian, Exponential, or Uniform, then analysts (those who are not statisticians) are usually unable to cope. As a result, approximations are made and reports delivered containing conclusions that are inaccurate and/or misleading.

With scientific papers, there are always peers who are ready and willing to second-guess any published analysis. Unfortunately, there are as well many less mature disciplines which lack the checks and balances that science has developed over the centuries and which frequently address areas of public concern. These concerns lead, inevitably, to public decisions and warrant the best that mathematics and statistics have to offer, indeed, the best that analysts can provide. Since Nature is seldom linear or Gaussian, such analyses often fail to live up to expectations.


Clinical Proteomic Technologies Initiative for Cancer Animated Video Tutorial

Despite recent progress, cancer takes more than a half million American lives each year. In many of these cases, we lost the battle because we detected the enemy far too late. In this feature presentation on Proteomic Technologies and Cancer, we will take a close look at how scientists and physicians are working to identify clinical biomarkers – the molecular signatures that indicate the presence of cancer. These signatures, made up of proteins and other molecules found in patient samples such as blood, will usher in a new approach to medicine based on early detection, and rapid response.

The identification of proteins associated with cancer in the patient will enable us to diagnose and provide treatment even before clinical symptoms appear. The sooner we find the disease, and the sooner we treat it, the greater our chances will be in providing a cure, or enabling the patient to live a longer, productive life. Reading the molecular signatures of cancer could also guide us toward the right combination of therapies that are appropriate to each individual, opening the door to personalized cancer treatment.

But the benefits of this approach will not be realized until we improve the set of advanced technologies used to identify proteins found in patient samples. This set of technologies is called Proteomics. Proteomics is the identification and characterization of the many hundreds of thousands of proteins expressed in an organism or cell type at a given time.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Photovoltaic (PV) Tutorial

This presentation was designed to provide Million Solar Roof partners, and others a background on PV and inverter technology. Many of these slides were produced at the Florida Solar Energy Center and PVUSA as part of training programs for contractors.

Some Benefits of
Solar Electricity
XEnergy independence
XEnvironmentally friendly
X“Fuel” is already delivered free
XMinimal maintenance
XMaximum reliability
XReduce vulnerability to power loss
XSystems are easily expanded

Solar energy has more even distribution across the United States than other forms of renewables such as wind or hydro. Where wind and hydro are available, they are good sources of energy, but only select places get good wind, and hydro can have many impacts, whereas solar energy is spread out across the entire U.S. and has very little environmental impacts.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Incorporating Tutorial Strategies into an Intelligent Assistant

Computer tutors and intelligent software assistants have traditionally been thought of as different kinds of systems. However tutors and assistants share many properties. We have incorporated tutorial strategies into an intelligent assistant based on the COLLAGEN architecture. We are working on an agent, named Triton, which teaches and helps users with the graphical user interface of an air travel planning system. We found that the collaborative model underlying COLLAGEN is an excellent foundation for both an assistant and a tutor, and that both modes of interaction can be implemented in the same system with different parameter settings.

In this paper, we report on our work in progress to incorporate tutorial strategies into an intelligent assistant for an air travel planning application. Our initial findings are (1) that by viewing both tutoring and assisting as collaborative activities, the same set of mechanisms can be used to support both, and (2) that COLLAGEN can be extended and generalized to support both activities. This paper is a case study of how we extended COLLAGEN and used it to build a tutoring/assisting agent called Triton. We will describe some of the differences between tutoring and assisting, and discuss how these differences can be encoded as parameters, in a single system.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Power Measurement Tutorial for the Green500 List

This tutorial serves as a practical guide for measuring the computer system power that is required as part of a Green500 submission. It describes the basic procedures to be followed in order to measure the power consumption of a supercomputer.

A supercomputer that appears on The TOP500 List can easily consume megawatts of electric power. This power consumption may lead to operating costs that exceed acquisition costs as well as intolerable system failure rates. In recent years, we have witnessed an increasingly stronger movement towards energy-efficient computing systems in academia, government, and industry. Thus, the purpose of the Green500 List is to provide a ranking of the most energy-efficient supercomputers in the world and serve as a complementary view to the TOP500 List.

However, as pointed out in [1, 2], identifying a single objective metric for energy efficiency in supercomputers is a difficult task. Based on [1, 2] and given the already existing use of the “performance per watt” metric, the Green500 List uses “performance per watt” (PPW) as its metric to rank the energy efficiency of supercomputers. The “performance per watt” metric is defined as:...


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Electro-Optic Modulator Tutorial

This tutorial examines the working principles of an Electro-optic modulator for use as a demonstrative tool for graduate and undergraduate students. The electro-optic material used is a single-crystal film of DAST approximately 5 microns thick. This film is prepared by a special method (modified shear method, US patent issued). An electric field is applied across the sample such that the direction of the field is along the dipole axis of the material. Electro-optic modulation is observed for a light beam passing through the film when an electric field is applied. The reason for using the DAST film is that its electro-optic coefficient is exceptionally large (770 pm/V at 633 nm) that produces significant electro-optic modulation even for a single-pass through a thin film and for a low electric field.

Experimental setup:
The modulator comprises of a focusing lens, a collecting lens, a single-crystal film of an organic electro-optic material on a micro-positioner and electrical leads attached to the electrodes applied on the electro-optic film. The overall setup for an experimental demonstration involves a laser, a polarizer, an analyzer, an ac power supply, a photodiode, an oscilloscope and the electro-optic modulator. The incident laser beam passes through the polarizer which provides a 45 degree angle of polarization with respect to the vertical axis (dipole axis). The beam is then focused on the DAST sample within the electro-optic modulator. The beam passes through the analyzer and is collected into the photodiode. The modulation signal produced by the electro-optic effect caused by the applied electric field is then recorded using an oscilloscope.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fast Fourier Transforms in Mathematica

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform a fast Fourier transform in Mathematica. The example used is the Fourier transform of a Gaussian optical pulse. First, define some parameters. Note that all wavelength values are in nm and all time is in fs. Thus the speed of light c is 300 nm/fs and all frequencies w is thus represented in radians/fs. The fundamental wavelength in interest, lo, is 800 nm with its corresponding frequency wo. For all values the unit for time will be femtosecond, the unit of length nanometers, and the unit for power is Watts.

c = 300;
λo = 800;
ωo = 2 π c
λ o;
ωo êê N 2.35619
Since a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used, one must be careful to sample the electric field properly. To prevent any aliasing, the range is set such that the value of the pulse electric field is approximately zero at the ends of the range. Define the temporal step dt that the pulse electric is sampled in order to prevent aliasing. Also, the FFT requires that the number of points that sample the pulse, num, must be a power of two. In this case num=2048


Monday, August 11, 2008

Power Quality Monitoring and Power Metering Tutorial

Power generation and transmission today are accomplished using three phase alternating-current. To understand electrical power quality monitoring and electrical power metering you must first have a basic understanding of three-phase power.

Electricity Basics
As a mechanical engineer, my favorite explanation of power is the analogy of a water system. In a water system you have a pipe that can carry water. The larger the pipe the more water it can carry. To move the water through the pipe you need to pressurize the water and when the water has the ability to move from a high pressure area to a low pressure area (like when you open a valve) you get flow. In our electrical analogy we replace the pipe with a wire. Instead of carrying water the wire carries electrons. The larger the wire the more electrons it can carry. You pressurize the electrons by applying voltage. When the circuit is complete the electrons will flow from the high voltage to the lower voltage and you get flow, know as current.

In a DC circuit the voltage and current will be constant (with a constant load). However in an AC circuit the voltage and the current will vary in a sinusoidal manner. The instantaneous voltage and current levels will vary over time based on their phase.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Visualizing electric fields

An electric field exists in the space around a charged object. When another charged object is placed in this electric field, an electric force acts on it. This tutorial is designed to help you explore the effects of these electric forces and how they vary throughout the space surrounding charged objects. In it, you will work with a variety of different visual representations of electric fields, as well as the mathematics on which they are based.

There are three layers of the tutorial:
Layer 1. Seeing the bare basics. Observe the visual representations.
Layer 2. Probing a bit deeper. Adjust numerical values to change the visual representations you've just observed.
Layer 3. Working towards mastery. Learn to create visual representations on your own.
Each successive layer will require more thought and effort on your part, but the reward will be a much more thorough understanding of electric fields.
The physics described here is based on the topics covered in recent lectures, and in Sections 23.1-23.4 & 23.6 of Serway and Beichner's "Physics for Scientists and Engineers". If you have questions about Mathematica (the program which runs this tutorial), stop in to one of the tutorial sessions in C2039 and talk to Dr. Poduska or a lab instructor (Kelly Shorlin or John Wells).


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Assembling-Tutorial: VOOM PC with Jetway 627 FWE-1G

The following components are lying on the table:
· VoomPC case, IDE-cable
· Case faceplate with connector cables
· M2-ATX power supply + Jumper + ATX-cable
· Small red/black connection cable
· Jetway 627FWE-1G (Alternative to VIA M10000)
· 512 MB DDR RAM
· 80 GB 2,5“ HDD
· 2,5“ to 3,5“ HDD Adapter
· Screws (for HDD with 4 foam rubber mats, power supply and motherboard)

The floor metal is pulled out of the case and the motherboard is attached on it. You screw in a bit all 4 screws,
but beforescrewing them tight you have to push the motherboard into the shown direction shown in the picture
for winning more spacefor the HDD and the power supply later.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Electric Power Transfer Capability: Concepts, Applications, Sensitivity, Uncertainty

Transfer of bulk electrical power over long distances is routine in North America in order to have a reliable and economical electrical supply. For example, hydro- electric power generated in Canada can be transferred to consumers and industry in Los Angeles using the high voltage transmission system. But the transmission system has a limited capability to transfer power. The maximum power that can be transferred is called the transfer capability. To operate the power system safely and to gain the benefits of the bulk power transfers, the transfer capabilities must be calculated and the power system planned and operated so that the power transfers do not exceed the transfer capability.

The purpose of this document is to explain concepts and calculations of transfer capability and describe applications of transfer capability. The document aims to give a tutorial introduction to some standard transfer capability concepts and introduce some new methods in transfer capability sensitivity and accounting for uncertainty.
Some highlights of the document are:
1. Explanation and illustration of transfer capability using a transfer capability calculator available on the web (chapter 1).
2. Discussion of transfer capability computations and applications (chapters 2 and 4).
3. Fast methods to compute transfer capability sensitivities to a wide range of parameters using formulas; testing of these methods on a 3357 bus system (chapter 3).
4. Extension of standard DC load flow transfer capability methods to AC load flow models and parameters (chapter 3).


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Detailed Guide to Installing A Solar Electric System

It’s photovoltaic power — solar electric energy — and it harnesses the power of sunlight to supply your home with electricity. Simply put, photovoltaic (PV) systems produce electricity from sunlight through cells that are installed on your roof or elsewhere on your property. PV power doesn’t produce any noise or pollution, it’s reliable and dependable, and it’s renewable so it makes good sense for the environment. For example, a 2.5 kW system will provide about 2,900 kilowatt hours per year and can typically provide about 25 to 35% of an average home’s electricity needs. The more energy efficient your house is, the greater the impact of the PV system.

This is because New York State is offering cash incentives to bring down the cost of PV systems by 40 to 70%. These incentives from NYSERDA — New York State Energy Research and Development Authority — are available to all customers that pay the Systems Benefit Charge to their electric utility. Working with an eligible installer, you could receive between $4,000 and $5,000 per kilowatt for PV systems up to a maximum of 15 kilowatts. The chart below outlines the different incentive levels NYSERDA is now offering.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Tutorial on Detection and Characterization of Special Behavior in Large Electric Power Systems

The objective of this document is to report results in the detection and characterization of special behavior
in large electric power systems. Such behavior is usually dynamic in nature, but not always. This is also
true for the underlying sources of special behavior. At the device level, a source of special behavior
might be an automatic control system, a dynamic load, or even a manual control system that is operated
according to some sharply defined policy. Other possible sources include passive system conditions, such
as the state of a switched device or the amount of power carried on some critical line.

Detection and characterization are based upon “signature information” that is extracted from the behavior
observed. Characterization elements include the signature information itself, the nature of the behavior
and its likely causes, and the associated implications for the system or for the public at large. With
sufficient data and processing, this characterization may directly identify a particular condition or device
at a specific location. Such conclusive results cannot always be done from just one observation, however.
Information environments that are very sparse may require multiple observations, comparative model
studies, and even direct testing of the system.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How to Size a Grid-Connected Solar Electric System

The easiest way to size your solar electric system is to have a vendor come to your home and perform a site analysis and load assessment. Solar electric vendors have the experience and tools necessary to gather the data needed for the calculations. Most vendors will supply predesigned package systems that range from one kilowatt (kW) for a small energy-efficient home up to 2.5 kW for a large home.

However, if you want to determine the size of the system yourself, the following two-step process will help you to estimate the number of solar panels (sometimes referred to as modules) required, the size of your inverter, and if desired, the size of batteries to buy for backup power. Remember, the goal of the sizing process is to yield a rough estimate of the number of kilowatts your solar electric system should generate. In short, you want to size your solar electric system to meet no more than your whole load on the sunniest day of the year, and rely on some grid power during winter or cloudy days.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Teaching Electric Circuit Theory with the Help of Tutorial Software

Electric Circuit Theory (ECT) has been a fundamental component of the teaching of electrical engineering since the dawn of university electrical engineering studies at the beginning of this century. In reflection of developments in the USA it was later introduced as an independent subject in most faculties of electrical engineering. Highly developed and deeply considered methods of pedagogical presentation, including excellent textbooks, examples and other teaching aids, have emerged in the long-term development of this field of science.

There is clearly an important role for contemporary computer science in the teaching of technical disciplines, including ECT, but this does not simply suggest an improvement of hitherto used teaching methods: in many instances it is necessary to rebuild these methods from the ground up. In fact it could be observed that the existence of a well developed classic pedagogical system in the teaching of ECT, one that has proven with time to be effective, and the necessity to undergo a revolutionary conversion of this system in order to adopt a modern computer-based teaching technology might be factors in the fairly slow introduction of computer-aided teaching in this discipline. The same situation can be found in other theoretical disciplines of electrical engineering.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Analysis of the Electrical Engineering Problems Using Computer Tools

The theory of electrical circuits represents one of most important parts of the Electrical Engineering education. The main aims of this course are to obtain the knowledge of circuit analysis and synthesis and to see the experience of actual behavior of typical circuits. This purpose needs using of powerful software mathematical tools.

The MATLAB is numeric computation software for package engineering and scientific calculations. The main reasons for wide spread using of MATLAB are following [1]: easy to learn and use; powerful, flexible and extensible; accurate, robust and fast; widely used in engineering and science; backed by a professional software company. This paper presents an approach according to teaching of circuit analysis topics using specially designed exercises that can be done on the base of MATLAB running on personal computers.


Electric Fields Tutorial

Welcome to the Electric Fields Tutorial program. The program reviews a set of concepts that are important in understanding electric fields.
You will review
how to use a vector to represent the electric field
- how the force on a charged particle is related to the electric field.
- how to find the electric field at a point

You should already know
- what an electric charge is.
- the units used to measure electric charge.
- that electric fields exist around charged objects.
- the units used to measure electric field
You will need a calculator, paper, and a pencil or pen.


Cyber Security of Electric Power Infrastructure

Critical infrastructures are defined as systems whose incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on the national security and the economic and social welfare of a nation. It includes such infrastructures like telecommunications, electric power, gas and oil, banking and finance, transportation, water supply, and government and emergency services.

Towards the end of the 20 th century electric power infrastructure emerged as one of the most critical infrastructure in the sense that all other critical and vital infrastructures depend on reliable electricity supply. It is also considered as one of the most vulnerable to physical and cyber attack. Present-day electric power systems, which are physical part of electric power infrastructure, are complex and technologically advanced systems. Assuring cyber security of these systems it is difficult interdisciplinary task. The task is difficult because of great complexity of these systems. But to some extend it is also difficult because risk analysis in these systems is based on concepts that are normally not known in others sectors of industry and in information technology and can be difficult to understand for specialists from these fields who are not familiar with electric power systems.


Electric Tutorial

This tutorial will run through the design and simulation of a ‘plain vanilla’ positive edge triggered D flip-flop. Electric allows the design to be done and linked together through what are called facets. These facets are each different hierarchical levels of the design (i.e. Layout, schematic, VHDL, and so on). The design of this flip-flop will be covered in the transistor, schematic, VHDL, and layout levels. The purpose of this tutorial is to cover those topics that are not covered sufficiently in the provided User’s Manual. It is assumed that the student knows how to create a library and facets of that library.

Creating a Gate-Level Schematic Using Provided Logic Gates: We first created a digital schematic facet in the D Flip-Flop library using the digital gates provided in Electric. The schematic we used can be found in any basic logic design textbook. Placing a node (such as an “or” gate) on the schematic is done by the traditional click-and-place method (see manual).

Electric provides standard variable-input logic gates (and, or, xor, buffer). To negate inputs/outputs, click on the arc that connects to those nodes and select Arcs Negated. Simulation of Gate-Level Schematic: The simulation of the circuit can be done by selecting, Tools Simulation Simulate in the pull down menu. Please note that by simulating the circuit, the VHDL facet will automatically be created. A new window will open with a waveform for each port. To force the inputs, select the net by clicking on the name to the left. If the signal is a clock simple...
