Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ulead PhotoImpact 6 - Stamp Photo Manipulations

To create a unique portrait using a custom Stamp built from family photos.
Making your photo Objects:
1. Choose 6 - 10 snapshots family members. The photo you want to use as your main image object should be made from at least a 5" X 7", better still, an 8" X 10". The other objects should range from 1/2" to 1" in height to give your stamp some variation. Scan them into your computer or have a friend do it for you. I sometimes use a digital camera or have a digital version made when my film is processed at my local Photo Center.

2. Open one of your photos. Select the Lasso tool. Draw around the head and torso. To add to the area, press ‘A’ and press ‘S’ while selecting the unwanted area to remove it. You should have something similar to this:

3. With the Selection still visible, press Ctrl + C, then Ctrl + V; you now have an object floating on its own layer above the original. Drag the object onto the Easy Palette. I put mine under My Library in a sub library named Family Objects.
Name the object in the Add to EasyPalette dialog window. Do the same until you have 6 – 10 objects in your library.

Building your Stamp:
Open a new file the size of your largest object. Stack all your objects on top of one another.
Do not include the main object you want to use in your image.
Save the file in .UFO format and close the file.
On the Attribute Tool Bar, select Add Stamp; when the Open dialog window appears, navigate to where you saved your UFO file and click Open.
Open a new file.
Load your new Stamp. Make some tests using the different Stamp Attributes. Close the file.

Download pdf Ulead PhotoImpact 6 - Stamp Photo Manipulations

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