Monday, March 12, 2012

Introduction to AJAX

Introduction to AJAXAJAX Prepared for Professor Goo Group Surfnet Lindsay Barbier Dimitrios Marangakis Felipe Santa-Ana Executive Summary The era of technology is advancing rapidly throughout the world. In order for technology to move forward, more advance programming languages must emerge. One of the main technological advancements is the creation of the World Wide Web. XML and JavaScript enable us to construct how we view the numerous websites on the Internet. The creation of the programming language, AJAX, is helping website technology advance

greatly. AJAX is a combination of XML and JavaScript to help improve the performance and attractiveness of websites by updating only part of the page at a time. AJAX has the capability to decrease the use of bandwidth significantly. Although AJAX has many benefits, it also has its downfalls such as limited security and accessibility. When relating to businesses, cost and time are two very important factors. Businesses always try to minimize cost while maximizing profit. A Web 2.0 company relies tremendously on bandwidth to provide their customers with the best possible product. Reducing bandwidth cost, which is one of the majority costs of business, is a great possibility with the help of AJAX. It has been proven that taking a traditional approach to a Web 2.0 page and an AJAX page has lowered bandwidth usage by more than 60%. AJAX is also giving companies the opportunity to save on time. Since the writing of the language is simple it takes less lines of code to create an AJAX page than traditional JavaScript or XML. Ajax dynamically loads pages which makes web pages feel more like stand alone applications. AJAX will change the way people and corporations use the Internet...

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