the author For technical questions about the content of this tutorial, contact the author, Md. Ashraful Anam, at . Md. Ashraful Anam works as an independent Web developer. Having conquered the Windows platform, he recently changed his interest to Linux and immediately fell in love with it. In his spare time he can be seen wandering the virtual avenues of the net, testing open source software, and trying to promote his country, Bangladesh, in the international IT market. He can be reached at . Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Create dynamic sites with PHP & MySQL Page 2 Section 2. Introduction and installation The need for dynamic content The Web is no longer static; it's dynamic. As the information content of the Web grows, so does the need to make Web sites more dynamic. Think of an e-shop that has 1,000 products. The owner has to create 1,000 Web pages (one for each product), and whenever anything changes, the owner has to change all those pages. Ouch!!! Wouldn't it be easier to have only one page that created and served the content on the fly from the information about the products stored in a...
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