The University of Toronto at Misisauga Department of Economics ECONOMICS ECO10Y5Y Introduction to Economics L0301 and L601 Fal 206 / Winter 207 Instructor: Prof. Avi J. Cohen Ofice: 12B Kanef Centre Phone: 905.569.490 Ofice Hours: Mondays 1 – 4 pm Email: Through BlackBoard mail (htps:/ for al course isues; only for non-course corespondence ; BlackBoard mail is most reliable for contacting me, and I wil respond within 48 hours INTRODUCTION "Economic Theory is not a body of concrete truth, but an engine for the discovery of concrete truth." -Alfred Marshal (185) The ECO10Y5Y course present a general overview of the subject mater of economics. The fal term wil focus on microeconomics - the study of economics from the point of view of the individual consumer and the individual firm. The winter term wil adres macroeconomics isues, taking the perspective of the economy as a whole. There are four lecture
sections in ECO10. Sections L0101 and L0201 are taught by Profesor Le Bailey. Sections L0301 and L601 are taught by Profesor Avi Cohen. The two profesors operate independently and provide courses of comparable scope but with diferent emphasis. There are separate term tests and separate tutorials with a comon component of basic material on the examination. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Economics: Canada in the Global Environment, 6 th edition, by M. Parkin and R. Bade (Pearson, 206), [refered to as P/B in the asignments]. Study Guide (to acompany Economics), 6th edition, by A. Cohen and H. King, (Pearson, 206). The new textbok comes with a pasword card which wil give you aces to the MyEconLab website at htp:/ This site contains online quizes, textbok suplements and practice multiple choice chapter tests. The only calculator that can be used at tests and the exam is the Texas Instruments TI-30I. Either the solar TI-30IS or batery TI-30IB is alowed. This is the same calculator that is required in MAT13Y5. Any aditional required readings wil be posted to the Blackboard course website. ECO10Y5Y L0301 and L601 Fal 206/Winter 207 2 FINAL GRADE The composition of the final grade is: Fal 206 Marks Online Quizes...
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