European FP7 SHAPE project and members of the SoaML standardisation team and the SHAPE project will present the tutorial. The tutorial will be using running examples, and the participants will get access to a SoaML toolkit for their own computer to use as part of the tutorial. Keywords: Service modelling, Model Driven Architecture, Service oriented architecture Tutorial objectives The tutorial objective is to educate the audience on the practical use of SoaML, and to understand how SoaML can be used as a foundation for further extensions based on the SoaML metamodel and UML profile. Target audience The target audience are modellers, system developers and researchers familiar with standard UML and the principles of model driven engineering and architecrture (MDE/MDA). The target audience should have an interest in learning how to use the new SoaML standard for service modelling, with associated methodology and tools, and also to understand how SoaML can be related to process modelling in BPMN 2.0 and how SoaML can be extended to support other relevant modelling aspects, such as service variability, semantic services and service-oriented agent modelling. Tutorial Organization Part 1: Overview of SoaML. Concepts and principles, Capability models and relationship to business modelling, Introduction to SoaML...
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