Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Writing the curriculum vitae with LATEX

Writing the curriculum vitæ with LATEXThe PracTEX Journal, 2007, No. 4 Article revision 2008/1/3 Writing the curriculum vitæ with LATEX Lapo F. Mori and Maurizio W. Himmelmann Email, Address Mechanical Engineering Department Northwestern University 2145 Sheridan Road Evanston IL 60208 USA Ufficio Statistica Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Piazza Martiri della Libertâ ¡ 33 56127 Pisa Italy Abstract This paper presents the tools that are currently available to prepare the curriculum vitæ with LATEX with a critical analysis of packages and classes. 1 Preamble This

article deals with writing the curriculum vitæ both in general and with LATEX. The first part (par. 2 and 3) analyzes the guidelines on how to write the curriculum vitæ and can be applied to any text editor. The second part (par. 4 and 6) requires an elementary knowledge of LATEX, which can be obtained from a basic guide [7, 8, 25, 28] or from a more comprehensive book [21, 23]. After analyzing styles and structures (par. 2), the article suggests some effec- tive ways to write a curriculum vitæ (par. 3). Since LATEX will be used for com- posing the curriculum vitæ, the main sections review the available classes and packages (par. 4) and give some recommendations on how to customize them (par. 6). We would like to thank Claudio Beccari, Lance Carnes and especially Valeria Angeli and Caterina Mori for their suggestions. Copyright © 2007 Lapo F. Mori and Maurizio W. Himmelmann. Permission is granted to distribute verbatim or modified copies of this document provided this notice remains intact. 2 Introduction The curriculum vitæ is a document that contains a summary of an individual’s business and academic experiences. In most cases its purpose is to present our- selves...

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