Thursday, September 27, 2012

A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm

182 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOL. 6, NO. 2, APRIL 2002 A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II Kalyanmoy Deb, Associate Member, IEEE, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, and T. Meyarivan Abstract—Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (EAs) that use nondominated sorting and sharing have been criti- cized mainly for their: 1) 40 51 41 computational complexity (where is the number of objectives and is the population size); 2) nonelitism approach; and 3) the need for specifying a sharing parameter. In this

paper, we suggest a nondominated sorting-based multiobjective EA (MOEA), called nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II), which alleviates all the above three difficulties. Specifically, a fast nondominated sorting approach with 40 50 41 computational complexity is presented. Also, a selection operator is presented that creates a mating pool by combining the parent and offspring populations and selecting the best (with respect to fitness and spread) solutions. Simulation results on difficult test problems show that the proposed NSGA-II, in most problems, is able to find much better spread of solutions and better convergence near the true Pareto-optimal front compared to Pareto-archived evolution strategy and strength-Pareto EA—two other elitist MOEAs that pay special attention to creating a diverse Pareto-optimal front. Moreover, we modify the definition of dominance in order to solve constrained multiobjective problems efficiently. Simulation results of the constrained NSGA-II on a number of test problems, including a five-objective seven-constraint nonlinear problem, are compared with another constrained multiobjective optimizer and much better performance of NSGA-II is observed. Index Terms—Constraint handling, elitism, genetic algorithms, multicriterion decision making, multiobjective optimization, Pareto-optimal solutions. I. INTRODUCTION T HE PRESENCE of multiple objectives in a problem, in principle, gives rise to a set of optimal solutions (largely known as Pareto-optimal solutions), instead of a single optimal solution. In the absence of any further information, one of these Pareto-optimal solutions cannot be said to be better than the other. This demands a user to find as many Pareto-optimal solu- tions as possible. Classical optimization methods (including the multicriterion decision-making methods) suggest converting the multiobjective optimization problem to a single-objective opti- mization problem by emphasizing one particular Pareto-optimal solution at a time. When such a method is to be used for finding multiple solutions, it has to be applied many times, hopefully finding a different solution at each simulation run. Over the past decade, a number of multiobjective evolu- tionary algorithms (MOEAs) have been suggested [1], [7], [13], Manuscript received August 18, 2000; revised February 5, 2001 and September 7, 2001. The work of K. Deb was supported by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development, India, under the Research and Development Scheme. The authors are with the Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory, Indian In- stitute of Technology, Kanpur PIN 208 016, India (e-mail: Publisher Item Identifier S 1089-778X(02)04101-2. [20], [26]. The primary reason for this is their ability to find multiple Pareto-optimal solutions in one single simulation...

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