Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Data Structures and Algorithms

>Graph Algorithms Data Structures and Algorithms Spring 2011-2012 CS4115 Graph Algorithms Outline 1 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort CS4115 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort Outline 1 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort CS4115 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort Introduction In a directed graph it is easy to tell what vertices precede a given vertex, v (just check all adjacency lists for v) We often want to generalize this to build a list for every vertex of what vertices precede it That is, we want to

sort the graphs by precedence or, topologically Key property required for topological sort (TS): the graph must be acyclic There is not a unique ordering following TS: only guarantee is that if w is a descendant of u then w occurs later than u in ordering CS4115 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort Introduction (contd.) ArrangeLoan HireArchitect HireBuilder PlansDevelop ExcavateFoundations BordPleanálaClearance SuperviseWorks BeginWorks HireFurniture MoversOccupancyTake Call the indegree of a node the number of edges entering the node CS4115 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort TopSort Algorithm Repeat n = jVj times: Find a node with indegree= 0 Record this node Remove it and any of its edges void topsort( graph g ) { for( int ct = 1; ct <= vert_ct; ct++ ) { vertex v = find_vertex_of_indegree_zero( ); if (v == null ) fail( "graph has a cycle" ); top_num[ v ] = ct; for each w adjacent to v // edge (v, w) indegree[ w ]--; } } CS4115 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort TopSort Algorithm (contd.) Problem with this code is the O(n2) running time due to O(n) time required to find a zero-indegree vertex, as each vertex will surely become Can improve as follows: For every edge (v; w) we delete, we can check if w’s indegree becomes 0 If yes, store w in special DS (queue or stack) Instead of trawling through all O(n) vertices for one of zero-indegree, just take one from queue / stack Requires an initial search to put all known zero-indegree vertices of graph on some data structure Running time is now O(jVj + jEj) since each edge is processed exactly once and initial checking for indegree of 0 costs O(n) Note check for cycles in graphs CS4115 Graph Algorithms Topological Sort TopSort Algorithm (contd.) void topsort( graph g ) { unsigned int ct = 1; Stack stk( vert_ct ); for each vertex v if (indegree[ v ] == 0 ) stk.push( v ); while( !stk.is_empty( ) ) { top_num[ v = stk.pop( ) ] = ct++; for each w adjacent to v if (--indegree[ w ] == 0 ) stk.push( w ); } if (ct <= vert_ct ) error("graph has a cycle"); } CS4115...

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