Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fuzzy Logic Control for Robot Maze Traversal

As previously reported, Indiana University South Bend has deployed autonomous robots in their Computer Organization course to facilitate introducing computer science students to the basics of logic, embedded systems, and assembly language. The robots help to provide effective, real-time feedback on program operation and to make assembly language less abstract. As a part of their coursework students are required to program a sensor- based traversal of a maze. This paper details one

solution to this problem employing a fuzzy logic controller to create linguistic rules. Index Terms Fuzzy logic, pedagogy, robots, student projects . INTRODUCTION Assembly language programming in a computer science environment is often taught using abstract exercises to illustrate concepts and encourage student proficiency. To augment this approach we have elected to provide hands-on, real-world experience to our students by introducing robots into our assembly language class. Observing the physical action of robots can generate valuable feedback and have real-world consequences – robots hitting walls make students instantly aware of program errors, for example. It also provides insight into the realities of physical machines such as motor control, sensor calibration, and noise. To help provide a meaningful experience for our computer organization students, we reviewed the course with the following objectives in mind: • Expand the experience of our students in a manner that enhances the student's insight, provides a hands-on, visual, environment for them to learn, and forms an integrated component for future classes. • Remove some of the abstraction inherent in the assembly language class. Specifically, to help enhance the error detection environment. • Provide a kinesthetic aspect to our pedagogy. • Build student expertise early in their program that could lead to research projects and advanced classroom activities later in their program. Specifically, in this case, to build expertise to support later coursework in intelligent systems and robotics. As one component in meeting these objectives we, in cooperation with the Computer Science department, the Intelligent Systems Laboratory, and the University Center for Excellence in Teaching, designed a robotics laboratory to support the assembly language portion of the computer organization class as described in [1]. The balance of this report describes one example project resulting from this environment. Specifically, we describe the results of a student project developing an assembly language fuzzy engine, membership function creation, fuzzy controller, and resulting robot behavior in a Linux-based environment. We also describe subsequent software devlopment in C# under Windows, including graphical membership tuning, real-time display of sensor activation, and fuzzy controller system response. Collectively these tools allow for robust controller development, assembly language support, and an environment suitable for effective classroom and public display. BACKGROUND Robots have long been recognized for their potential educational utility, with examples ranging from abstract, simulated, robots, such as Karel[2] and Turtle[3] for teaching programming and geometry respectively, to competitive events such as robotic soccer...

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