Monday, April 26, 2010

1999-2004 Honda Odyssey Bracketron Phone Mount Installation Intructions

Remove the bezel that surrounds the climate control and extends behind the transmission shifter. To do this, grasp the bezel behind the shifter and release the first clip. In the upper-right corner of the bezel, use the Dash Trim tool to work loose the remaining ten (10) clips that hold the bezel in place. Note: On vehicles without the navigation system and/or with the DVD, the climate controls will come off with the bezel. Note: On vehicles that have the navigation system, disconnect the emergency light switch connector, and interior lighting switch. Apply the emergency brake and turn the ignition to the on position. Place the transmission shifter into the neutral position. Pull the shifter lever toward you to allow clearance for the bezel to be removed. Place the bezel aside when removed.

Note: Vehicles without the navigation system and or DVD: Remove the four (4) screws that hold the radio/DVD in place. Set the screws aside.
Note: Vehicles with the navigation system: remove the six (6) screws that hold the radio/nav unit in place. Carefully pull the unit out far enough gain access to the right side of the unit. You can rest the unit in the cavity opening. Locate a metal bracket on the right side of the radio. Remove the screw closest to the front of unit. Loosen the back screw enough to slide the Bezel Mount under it. reinstall the factory front screw and tighten down the Bezel Mount. Note: With vehicles that have the DVD, the Custom Bezel Mount is secured with the two lower screws on the right side of the DVD player.

Reinstall the unit back into the cavity securing it with the factory screws. Reconnect all wiring to the bezel. When reinstalling the bezel, angle the bezel over the Custom Bezel Mount, then slide the bezel behind the shifter aligning the bezel to secure all the the bezel clips.


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