Wednesday, July 21, 2010

American College of Cardiology

American College of CardiologyAmerican College of Cardiology prActice ADMinistrAtor ApplicAtion Join The ACC Today! Discover the WorlD oF cArDioloGY…. MeMber bY MeMber. ADvocAcY, eDucAtion, science AnD QuAlitY, leADership, AnD recoGnition. ADvocAcY, eDucAtion, science AnD QuAlitY, leADership, AnD recoGnition Given your expertise and involvement in cardiology practice management, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) welcomes you to be among the founding members of our cardiac care management team program. Keep up to date with key issues in the field and succeed at the interface

of practice management and quality cardiovascular care. the mission of the acc practice administrator membership is to: • Provide practice administrators with clinical guidelines and tools to improve clinical care management. • Provide practice administrators information on important advocacy, reimbursement and policy issues affecting cardiovascular care management. • Provide practice administrators the opportunity to shape the future of cardiovascular practice management. Join the Acc to ADvAnce operAtionAl AnD FinAnciAl perForMAnce While keepinG pAce With the FAst-chAnGinG AnD chAllenGinG heAlth cAre environMent. acc’s PRactice administRatoR membeRshiP offeRs You… adVocacY The practice of cardiovascular medicine is increasingly affected by legislators, payers and regulators, particularly given the increasing focus on health care reform. While the ACC is vigilant in its efforts to ensure patient access to timely, quality, cost-effective care, member involvement is crucial for success. ACC Advocacy makes it easy to get involved at whatever level you feel comfortable by providing the tools and resources necessary to help shape health care both now and in the future. • Key issues: Medicare Reform; Health Care Reform; Cardiovascular Workforce; Research and Prevention; and Health IT • Tools and Resources: - aCC Cardioadvocacy Network (aCC/CaN) – a grassroots network designed to keep you up to...

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